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Staff Profile

  • David is the programme leader for the Film and Screen Studies programme. As senior lecturer in both Film and Screen Studies and English, he teaches across a broad range of modules at levels four, five, six and seven. David also supervises dissertation work and is a PhD supervisor.

    As well as being a fellow of the HEA, David is an internationally recognised researcher, he has published widely on Twentieth and Twenty First Century U.S. fiction, American Horror, the Gothic, Genre TV and Videogames. From 2019-2022 David worked on the AHRC funded Diaspora Screen Media Network. His next publication is a monograph on Giant Monster Movies with Liverpool University Press due out later in 2024.

    David is the central point of contact for the University’s cult film club that runs in association with the local independent cinema, The Northampton Filmhouse. This involves monthly screenings with associated public events including pre-screening lectures, post screening panel discussions, Director Q and As, etc. David also works with The National Film and Sci Fi Museum in organising and running the ongoing podcast “Cult Media in 50 Objects”.