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Bursaries, scholarships and awards

Bursaries, scholarships and awards

At the University of Northampton we receive generous support from charities, partners and individuals, which means we can offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries. If you feel that you need additional support we can advise you on which scholarships you could apply for.

We want to help you to fulfil your potential – this could be by assisting with costs related to studying, or by giving you an opportunity to travel outside the UK to enhance your studies and employability. We have awards which are open to all students, such as the T D Lewis Scholarship and the Chancellor’s Fund. There are also awards which are more specific – with scholarships for students from Northampton, and those studying Accounting and Finance or STEM subjects.

You can find out more about the scholarships and the criteria on the following pages, plus tips on making an application and terms and conditions for the scholarships.

To find out more about how we can help please contact us at scholarships@northampton.ac.uk.

Bursaries and Awards

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Undergraduate Scholarships

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Master's and Postgraduate Scholarships

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International Scholarships

We have awards specifically tailored to the needs of our students from Overseas. If you came from abroad to study here, you may be eligible.

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