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Dress up to help charity total go up, up and away

Date 1.11.2018

With great fund-raising power comes great charitable responsibility as students and staff from across the University are asked to support Children in Need – by dressing up as superheroes.

Whilst not being requested to leap tall buildings in a single bound, staff and students are asked to don tights, masks and capes and dress up as their favourite superhero, or villain, on Friday 16 November.

The aim is to have as many people from across the organisation dress up, for a nominal fee of £1 payable to the organisers on the day and to join a donation drive across Waterside campus and “to infinity and beyond” (Northampton town centre).

The event will start in the Ground Floor of the Learning Hub at 8:30am on Friday 16 November. Those taking part should wear their University ID cards.

The best dressed superhero or villain also has the chance of winning a £25 Amazon voucher, to be judged by Vice Chancellor Professor Nick Petford at 9am on Friday 16.

Donations will be collected by the organisers from the Nursing subject areas, who will then lead the charity drive across campus before heading into the town centre.

Nursing will lead the charge back to Waterside at lunchtime for a final count of the grand total.

Bally Sandhu, Senior Lecturer in Child Nursing, said: “It’s a mammoth idea but we’re not known for thinking small at Northampton, so we really hope people dress up and join us on the day for some laughs and to raise much needed funds for worthwhile good causes.”

Children in Need’s annual fundraiser falls on the evening of 16 November and will be screened on BBC1. The Appeal Night features an evening of entertainment, one-off specials of top TV programmes and other light-hearted activities.

The aim is to raise money for the 2,400 UK charities that Children in Need supports.

For further information, contact event organiser Bally with ‘Children in Need’ in the subject line.

Find out more about Children in Need.