In the news: 26 October – 1 November
Date 1.11.2018
1.11.2018Did you know a vegan diet can have beneficial health outcomes for people with Diabetes? News outlets across the UK have been covering the story, including The Mirror.
We can knit back the local community and make it profitable again, read The Big Issue and find out how.
There were spooky goings on as parapsychology expert Dr Cal Cooper spoke BBC Northampton this week, about why people have experiences such as telepathy or see ghosts (from 1hr 41min).
Northants Chamber covered the story that Graduate Federica Marzella rubbed shoulders with the stars at the Wembley Stadium premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody after her Queen parody music video rocked the social media world.
Richard Canning has written for the Times Literary Supplement about lesser known American gothic novelist, short story writer & playwright James Purdy.
The Ipswich Star ran the story that one of our students is in the running for top award aimed at finding the region’s finest artist.
Chris Hill, programme leader in footwear and accessories spoke to BBC Radio Leicester about the benefits of nude coloured heels for women (clip expired).
Professor of Sustainable Wastes Management, Margaret Bates, appeared on BBC Look East television news on Wednesday, where she gave her expert opinion on the Government’s recent announcements on taxes for plastics with limited recycled content (clip expired).