Academic Support

Getting help with your study

At the University of Northampton, we believe that every student learns differently, and if you need support with your university studies whether that’s help with referencing, additional study materials, or improving your writing or maths skills we are on hand to provide you with the help you require. You can also visit the Student Information Desk (SID), who can help you with any information or advice that you may need throughout your studies.

All UON students have access to LinkedIn Learning, an online library with thousands of training videos and courses to help you with your academic study.

Student Handbook

For detailed information on how degrees are structured, how the programme is managed, assessments and examinations the Student Handbook tells you everything you need to know. It’s a great handbook to refer to throughout your university studies.

Student number

You can find your student number on your ID card. If you are having trouble locating your number, please visit the Student Information Desk who will be able to help.

Find information about some of the academic support teams available to help when you study with us:

  • The Student Support and Advice team offers friendly, professional and confidential advice and guidance during your studies.

    If you’re struggling with your studies, have had a change of circumstances, are experiencing life events, or are thinking of leaving the University, they can support you. The team can help you understand the academic rules and regulations and work alongside other specialist support services to ensure you have full access to the support you need.

    The Student Support and Advice team are based in the Learning Hub and offer a drop in service during term time.

    The team provide advice on:

    • Academic Issues
    • Mitigating circumstances
    • Course transfers
    • Restarts (on the same or different courses)
    • Study breaks
    • Course withdrawals
    • Change of study mode
    • Module repeats
    • Progression
    • Personal Issues
    • ​Life events, such as bereavement or relationship breakdown
    • Change of circumstances such as loss of income or illness
    • Struggling on your course
    • Thinking of leaving the University​

    Watch our short video to learn more from Student Support and Advice Team.

    Welcome Introductory Talk

    Email: or call 01604 892600.

  • We understand that this is the first time for most of you to study in the UK and you may need some academic support during your studies.

    English Language Support

    As an international or EU student you have to deal with a language and culture which may be unfamiliar to you whilst quickly adapting to studying in this new environment. Our Educational Linguistics Team is here to support you. They can advise you on how to read academic literature effectively and how to use information obtained from reading to write critically and effectively. You can book an individual one-to-one session with them or to attend their workshops and seminars.

  • Your time at university is an opportunity to achieve your academic goals. To help you make the best choices on how to spend your time with us at the University of Northampton, you can speak to your Personal Academic Tutor (PT). They are allocated to you at the start of the year and are there to help you – from settling into University life to walking across the stage at graduation, and everything in between.

    Your Academic PT will be in touch at various points in the academic year to see how you are getting on. But you don’t have to wait for them to contact you. If you want to talk about how to achieve your ambitions, secure a work placement, your academic success or have a confidential talk about something that is important to you, you can arrange to see your PT at any time. Your PT is also in a great position to signpost you to some of our more specialist support services and can help you if you need to understand how our policies and processes work. Your PT will help you use data about your engagement with your academic studies to help you achieve the best from your time with us.

    You will be allocated a PT during the first few weeks of term. Until then, your Programme Leader will be your named personal contact.

    We think it’s important for you to have a point of contact during your time at the university, so at the start of the year you will be allocated a Personal Academic Tutor. They will be on hand to offer you support and guidance from when you enrol through to graduation. Your Personal Academic Tutor will provide you with ongoing academic and personal support throughout your university studies.

    Current student Beth Garrett shares her experience with her Personal Academic Tutor during her studies:

    “Emma is an exceptional lecturer and personal academic tutor. I have been her tutee for both years of my studies so far and she has provided me with invaluable support. Emma has illustrated concern with my academic, pastoral and social wellbeing and goes above and beyond to ensure that both myself and other students are supported. Teaching across two courses and completing a PhD, Emma has a demanding timetable however can always find time to meet with students.

    “Emma has run drop-in sessions for students, has provided excellent guidance for assignments and is always willing to answer students’ questions. She has organised enrichment opportunities as part of our course, such as off-site activities, first aid courses and experience in special schools. These experiences will be invaluable as we move into teaching practice.”

    How your Personal Academic Tutor can help you

    “Personally, Emma has supported me with my wellbeing, pointing me in the direction of those who can offer additional support and checking in with me to see how I am. Emma has helped me to address my anxiety and consistently encourages me to engage in activities, which I otherwise would not feel confident enough to do.

    “Emma encourages me to stay positive and persevere at the times when I have found this most difficult. Without her support, there is a chance that I may not have continued with my studies and I will forever be grateful for her dedication, compassion and encouragement. Emma is a credit to the university and I feel honoured to have her as my personal academic tutor.”

  • Library and Learning Services is a group of teams who are here to help you during your studies. You can email the library at

    The Academic Librarians can help you improve your skills in finding, using and evaluating information. The team is here to guide you on subject specialist databases, strategies for literature searching and referencing.

    The Learning Development team work with students to enhance and foster independence in academic skills, study skills, and maths and statistical skills.

    Both these teams provide one-to-one tutorials and online guidance on the Skills Hub. Learning Development also offer drop-in sessions. Information about the Study Support we offer is on our Library and Learning Services pages.

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