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In the news: 23-29 April 2021

Date 29.04.2021

Our resident health expert, Dr Steve O’Brien, was on BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday, for his weekly chat about coronavirus with presenter Annabel Amos (clips at 1h 10; 1h 41m; 2h 17m and 2h 50m).

Senior Lecturer in Law, Simon Sneddon, was a guest on BBC Radio Northampton, on Monday, talking about his varied career – and going plastic-free.

BBC Radio Northampton’s Science Detectives, which is co-hosted by our very own Cal Cooper, feature continued this week. Episode 7 was all about nutrition.

Cal was also on BBC Radio Northampton for a round table discussion on Extra Sensory Perception.

A fundraising art exhibition organised by our students was previewed by the Chronicle & Echo.

Multimedia Journalism student, Lucy Holmes, has got on the first rung of the career before graduating. Her story was in the Chronicle & Echo.

Our Westminster expert, Kate Ironside, was on BBC 3 Counties Radio, explaining how the Prime Minister’s reported comments about Covid deaths could affect his future (starts 37m).

The Chronicle & Echo investigated how UON prepares its students for a career in psychology.

Our TV insider, Brendan Sheppard, was reviewing the latest shows during his regular Friday morning spot on BBC Radio Northampton (starts 1h 42m).

Fine Art grad, Sophie Slade, got her business off the ground thanks to support from the University’s Enterprise Boost team. Read all about it in the Chronicle & Echo.

NNPulse magazine talked to UON student, Ellie Stokes, about training to be a counsellor, and how she is hoping to help those affected by the pandemic.

Events Management students, Chloe and Ruth, appeared on BBC Radio Northampton, on Friday, to talk about how they raised £4k for charity (starts 1h 37m).

Northampton Life and the Chronicle & Echo covered the news that we are in the top 30 worldwide for Higher Education institutions that tackle inequality.