Web Development and Cybersecurity BSc Welcome Pack

Welcome to Web Development and Cybersecurity BSc 2024.

Welcome to the Web Development and Cybersecurity course at the University of Northampton. The following guide is designed to provide you with some essential information about your course, and how you can make the best of your time while studying with us.

Cyber Security continues to dominate the headlines and has a major influence in the privacy and confidentiality of millions of people.

The Web Development and Cybersecurity course focuses on equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to be able to develop robust online applications that manage the challenges faced in the design, development, and maintenance of secure on online applications that are needed to run on computing devices to include, laptops and smartphones.

The course you’ve selected offers the qualification that is industry relevant and attractive to potential employers. The fundamental aim is to provide you with the employability skills that are needed to obtain a career within this ever-growing industry.

I am confident that with the required commitment and work ethic, you will enjoy the material presented throughout your course at the University.

Good luck with your studies.

Your Programme Leader

Mr Amir Minai

Senior Lecturer in Computing

Welcome and Induction Sessions

This is your induction timetable with in-person sessions starting on Monday 16 September. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact induction organiser Amir Minai: amir.minai@northampton.ac.uk.

Please make every effort to attend all sessions, as you will also be able to ask general questions about the course, living and studying here at UON.

  • Monday 16 September

    • Session: Welcome and Course Team Introductions
    • Time: 11am-11.30am
    • Location: The Hide, fourth floor, Learning Hub


    • Session: Web Development and Cyber Security Course Structure
    • Time: 1pm-1.45pm
    • Location: LH316, third floor, Learning Hub


    • Session: Meet your Personal Academic Tutor
    • Time: 2pm-2.45pm
    • Location: LH316, third floor, Learning Hub

    Friday 20 September

    • Session: How to Login and Use the UON IT Systems
    • Time: 11am-11.30am
    • Location:  LH316, third floor, Learning Hub


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