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Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) Welcome Pack

Welcome to Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) 2024

Including: BSc (Hons), MSc (Top-Up), and PGDip

Welcome and congratulations on securing a place and sponsorship to undertake the BSc Hons SCPHN programme. We hope you will enjoy this challenging and stimulating programme that will develop your skills to become proficient practitioners within specialist community public health nursing practice and then enable you to work at specialist practitioner level within complex primary health care. If you have any queries before the course starts, please do email the Programme Leader.

Your Programme Leader

Senior Lecturer in School Nursing

Helen Kimble

Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader

Welcome and Induction session

Information about your welcome session for SCPHN can be found below.

  • This session usually occurs the week before the course start date.

    Please look out for emails directly from your sponsoring Trust for details of their induction week programme.


Your sponsoring organisation will supply you with any required uniform and equipment for the SCPHN HV or SN roles in their Trust (this may include a work laptop).

Our Campus