Here you will find some example development objectives that we think will support you at this stage. They have been developed by a working group of diverse, multi-disciplinary colleagues. The themes were raised by colleagues in a cross-university survey about researcher needs, and are mapped to external benchmarks and sector good practice (e.g. Vitae), plus relevant internal strategies and policies.
The core competencies you will need to evidence within your application are: substantive leadership, recognised professional standing, international research outputs, and excellent organisational, communication and digital skills. Supporting the development of a research culture at UON, alongside the integration of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into this are also important elements of this process. Your PURE profile will also need to be fully developed. It’s worth keeping these in mind as you work towards this step.
The objectives identify some key actions for you to complete. Staff needs are likely to be different as the research career progresses, but progression is not always linear and different forms of objectives and support may be required at different times. You may want to adapt them to your own needs, in consultation with your line manager, mentor or research lead.
Developing identity as a researcher
Advocate for the researcher development needs of others. Continue to evidence your own research contribution based on critical reflection of sustained contribution to the development of research culture at the University via leadership, mentoring and collaboration.
Broadening your research knowledge (skills) and experience
Benchmark your achievements and curriculum vitae (CV) against UON requirements for Associate Professor (requires evidence of sustained contributions in your field of expertise, and track record of funding, output and impact success). Identify areas of strength and development needs. Based on this review, develop a plan with specific objectives to address development needs and work towards development of your application within a realistic time frame. Write down where you would like your research, outputs and impact to be in three years’ time, and identify what you would need to achieve this.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Actively work to influence the integration of EDI in research culture across the institution and beyond through engagement with existing University activities and those hosted by relevant external organisations (for example professional bodies, subject specific membership organisations and royal societies).
Organisational expectations/vision
In Performance and Development Review (PDR) discussions with your line manager, ensure that your objectives include stretch targets aligned with the current requirements for Associate Professor. Identify an internal mentor to support the development of your Associate Professor application. Draw together evidence of your contribution to your field of expertise, supporting achievement of the University’s Strategic Plan and support the development of others (via leadership, recognised professional standing, an established record of authorship in research outputs, support for the creation of impact case studies, supervision of doctoral research).
Developing networks, partnerships/collaborations
Engage with national and international networks and seek to develop new links and collaborations. Maintain and develop your PURE research profile. Seek opportunities to engage in external research networks (e.g. disciplinary networks / interest groups). Seek opportunities to take up leadership roles relating to research and enterprise at UON (e.g. Faculty Research & Enterprise Committees, Faculty ethics committees, working groups). Support links between early career researchers and national and international networks in your area.