Exploring the effects of a VR training programme on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients
Date 5 March 2024
5.03.2024This event explores how the use of XR is growing within the field of Sports Rehabilitation and Conditioning, with specific reference to a VR training programme for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients.
At this event, Rob Smith, Lecturer in Sports Rehabilitation and Conditioning, will provide an outline of how the use of XR is growing within his field of study. Then, a current Year 3 student, Sophie Luscombe (who Rob is Dissertation Supervisor for) will give an overview of her current Dissertation research, which focuses on exploring the effects of a VR training programme on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients and looking at whether the intervention improves mobility, cognitive function and disability. There will then be an opportunity to ask any questions about the use of XR and the research to date.
- Date: Friday 22 March 2024
- Time: 4:15 – 5:15pm (GMT)
- Location: Online or join us in LH113, Learning Hub to experience the equipment in action. Please register on LibCal.
Rob Smith - Lecturer in Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning
Sophie Luscombe - Year 3 Student in Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning