Evidence for past climate conditions in the Nene Valley
Updated 12.02.2025
14.03.2025Fri 14 March 2025
12:30 – 13:30
Town Hall, Creative Hub, Waterside Campus

John Sinclair – Visiting Fellow in Quaternary Environmental Change
In common with the rest of Central and Southern England, the Nene Valley has witnessed major shifts in climate over the Quaternary Period (~2.6 million years ago to the present day) from conditions as warm as (or warmer than) today to full glaciation on at least one occasion and multiple episodes of intensely cold periglacial conditions. This workshop will introduce some of the evidence used to reconstruct and to date these climate changes and will offer opportunities for hands-on examination of some of the Quaternary fossils owned by the University of Northampton and the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust.
Please contact Jen.Townend@northampton.ac.uk if you have any queries about this event or would like to be a future speaker.
Register for Evidence for past climate conditions in the Nene Valley.