Freedom of information
About the Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 promotes greater openness and accountability by the United Kingdom’s public authorities. Amongst other things, it requires us to make known to the public, by means of a Publication Scheme, information which we publish or intend to publish.
In this context, ‘publish’ means to make information routinely available either online or by some other means. A Publication Scheme:
- sets out the classes of information published
- explains how the information can be obtained or accessed
- lists any charges that may apply
All University records, with a few exemptions (FOI) and exceptions (EIR), are potentially open to greater scrutiny by the public.
As an individual you are entitled to access information from public authorities including from The University of Northampton itself.
Find our guidance on how to make a request [PDF, 142KB].
Contact us
If you require further information or help please contact the Records Management Office.