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Staff Profile

  • In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching (see tabs below), Sonya is an experienced doctoral supervisor, having supervised eight doctoral students to completion at UON. She has also acted as international supervisor on the Erasmus study abroad and Newton Bhabha fellowship programmes. She is currently supervising eleven PhD projects. She would welcome applications from international and home students especially in the areas of children’s literature, women’s writing, class and trauma.

    Sonya is a member of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Network, an editorial board member of the Journal of Class and Culture and an advisory board member of the Oxford journal Contemporary Women’s Writing.

    She is currently chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Degree Board at UON and UCU Branch Membership Secretary.

  • Sonya is currently module leader for the following modules:

    • Decolonizing the Bookshelf (level 4)
    • From Fairy Tale to Fantasy: Children’s and Young Adult Literature (level 5)
    • Bodies and Performances: Thinking Sex and Gender (level 6)
    • Trauma Fiction (level 7)
    • Gender, Sexuality and Writing the Body (level 7)
  • Sonya’s research specialisms are in contemporary women’s writing, especially the representation of gender, race and class; trauma narratives; and children’s and YA literature. She would welcome PhD students working in any of these areas.

  • For publications, projects, datasets, research interests and activities, view Sonya Andermahr’s research profile on Pure, the University of Northampton’s Research Explorer.

  • Sonya is the author of eight books and numerous book chapters and journal articles. She is currently working on a project on the significance of class in contemporary women’s writing. See her Pure entry for a list of recent publications.