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Research Profile

  • Towards the Development of Enhanced Strategies for Computing Education within UK Schools Utilising Contemporary Technology

    The aim of the research is to investigate possible deficiencies in the current UK secondary schools computing education system.

    The objective is to explore current educational practice within schools for the computing discipline to identify any existing deficiencies and strengths.

    The next step will be exploring technologies currently being used to support computing education and those that could potentially be utilised within the research.

  • Mark Johnson

    Senior Lecturer - Computing

  • Aleksandra is currently working on two papers. The first exploring the attitudes of UK HE Computing Lecturers towards existing skill sets and knowledge levels of students starting computing degrees in the UK. The second looking at current perceptions of teachers and students toward computing education in secondary schools in the UK.

  • Aleksandra is a University of Northampton graduate with a BSc in Computing. As an undergraduate student, Aleksandra was involved in many activities and projects, e.g. mentoring other students and running workshops for children as a Student Ambassador. These experiences were the inspiration to do a PhD on computing education. In order to engage with schools and gather data for the research, Aleksandra has become a STEM Ambassador.

    Apart from studying, Aleksandra works full-time as a software developer.