All aboard the big yellow bus to the future!

Date 11.05.2017

The wheels on a ‘big yellow bus’ are going round and round to schools and further education colleges across Northamptonshire, London and the surrounding Boroughs this week, as the University of Northampton hit the road to bring Higher Education to  young people still in education.

With exam periods and coursework deadlines looming for pupils still in education, thoughts are turning to what comes after school or college. The University of Northampton’s Schools and Colleges Liaison Team have taken the university experience out on the road, in the form of a giant yellow bus, to share what life could be like for these young learners if they chose to go to university.

Carrie Newton, Northampton College Student Advisor, said: “We are really excited to welcome the yellow bus to Northampton College, introducing Higher Education to our students in a fun and unique way. The information and advice they will receive is invaluable and will enable them to make informed choices and access support to make strong applications to university.”

Over 200 young people boarded the bus from eight schools and colleges to hear from current University of Northampton students about what academic and student life is like at the University, but also what Northampton as a town has to offer its student population.

Megan Denny, Marketing Officer at the University of Northampton said: “Some young people rule out going on to study at university before they even set foot on a university campus for an open day. We’re visiting schools and colleges this week to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to fully consider higher education.

“We’ve brought our students along for the ride, sharing their first-hand experiences of studying and what student life has to offer. We’ve also got information about the kind of support the University of Northampton in particular, can offer to people who might think that university wouldn’t be for them as it would be too expensive for them.

“This is just one way we’re working to give people considering going to university a taste of student life. In July, we will be welcoming nearly 200 young people for 48 hours of University; where they will have the chance to live like a student and attend lectures, try out the sports and socialites the Students’ Union has to offer and stay overnight in our student halls of residence.”

Follow the road trip on social media using #NorthamptonBusTour