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How we invest tuition fee income

Income from tuition fees is invested in your education at Northampton. It funds the wages of our academic staff, the development of new and innovative course materials, new research that informs our teaching and investment in world class facilities.

In addition, it funds our wide range of student support services including ASSIST, residential life, Student Futures and the Financial Guidance team to name but a few.

Our financial year

In common with all UK Universities, the University of Northampton financial year runs from 1 August to the following 31 July. A summary of income and expenditure appears below for the year ended 31 July 2018 along with a brief narrative to explain each line. For more detailed information please refer to the annual Financial Statements, published in December every year and available on our website.

Income summary


  • Tuition fees, funding body grants and education contracts: £109.1 m (86%)
  • Research grants and contracts: £2.3 m (2%)
  • Investment and endowment income and donations: £0.9 m (1%)
  • Student residences income: £12.2 m (9%)
  • Other income: £2.2 m (2%)

Total income: £126.7 million (100%)

Expenditure summary

Teaching, Research, and Student Expenditures

  • Academic departments: £49.1 m (37%)
  • Research: £4.0 m (3%)
  • Student and academic support services: £17.9 m (13%)

Total Teaching, Research, and Student Expenditures: £71 million (53%)

University Support Services

  • Administration and central services: £34 m (26%)
  • Residences and catering: £5.1 m (4%)
  • University Premises: £7.8 m (6%)
  • Interest charges and financing costs: £15.1 m (11%)

Total University Support Services: £62 million (47%)

Total expenditure: £133 million (100%)

The figures listed above reflect the income and expenditure incurred in the year ended 31 July 2018.

Academic Departments

This comprises expenditure incurred by the University’s academic departments on all their activities except research projects.

Research Projects

This is the direct expenditure incurred on externally funded research projects.

Student and Academic Support Services

Activities that support the academic activities of the University are shown here, including student helpdesk, placements team, library services, support to tutors, examinations, ceremonies and learning materials.

Administration and Central Services

This is the University’s investment in central university services such as information technology, communication and marketing, human resources and finance.

Residences and Catering

This is the University’s investment in Student residences and the provision of subsidised catering.

University Premises

This is the University’s investment in running and maintenance of the University’s campuses.

Interest charges and financing costs

This represents the interest paid on borrowings and some central pension costs.

Our Campus