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Staff and Student Equality Data Reports

The University recognises that collating diversity data for staff and students is vital for informed Equality Review and Analysis. The University is also required to publish information annually relating to employees who share protected characteristics in order to meet the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010.

The University will request individuals, both staff and students, to declare their equality monitoring data at various stages. Data will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act and used for the purposes of analysing the diversity of the University of Northampton student and staff populations only.

Diversity analysis will help determine the actions within the Equality Action Plans and link to the setting of smart objectives.

Staff Data

On these pages you can access the staff diversity profile data for all employed staff at 31 July each year. Data is provided for the University and broken down to Academic staff and Professional Services staff.

Data collected up to 2018 included Gender, Age, Disability and ethnicity. From 2016 onwards we have started to collate information in relation to other protected characteristics and will be reported on in future reports.

Student Data

On these pages you can access the student diversity profile data for the total number of student enrolments by the University. Data is provided for the University and broken down by faculty and standard equality variables.

The data is taken from the HESA student record and has been restricted to show the HESA Standard Registration Population, further details can be found on the HESA website.

Equal Pay Audit

The University will conduct an equal pay audit every three years or as required by legislation. The review will include full and part time employees and those on fixed term and hourly paid contracts.

The equal pay review seeks to establish if there are significant pay gaps for those undertaking “equal work”, roles that fall within the same grade are considered to be rated as equivalent value. The analysis will determine whether further investigation is required to establish the extent to which any gaps can be objectively justified and what action is required, if any, to deal with unjustified inequality.

The analysis and interpretation will be carried out by the HR department and the results will be published to the wider University along with action planning.

From 2020 the equal pay report will be combined with the Gender pay report. See Gender pay reporting for subsequent data.

Gender Pay Gap Report

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into force in 2017 and require all organisation employing more than 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is not the same as equal (or unequal) pay and is defined as the difference between the average pay of all men and the average pay of all women in an organisation.

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