On page 8 of our TEF submission we talk about the initiatives and describe how the awarding gap has closed. The awarding gap was 22.8pp in 2018/19 and has fallen to 16.0pp in 2020/21. The underlying data for this is shown below.
- GEM Population: 787.0
- GEM Good Degrees: 52.9%
- White Population: 1,354.0
- White Good Degrees: 75.7%
- Difference: 22.8pp
- GEM Population: 804.0
- GEM Good Degrees: 54.2%
- White Population: 1,200.0
- White Good Degrees: 77.6%
- Difference: 23.4pp
- GEM Population: 788.0
- GEM Good Degrees: 65.7%
- White Population: 1,218.0
- White Good Degrees: 81.8%
- Difference: 16.0pp
The source data for the above are the HESA DSCore files using the following:
- XPQUAL01= ‘1’, XCLASS = ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’ for population, OR XCLASS = ‘1’, ‘2’ for good degrees, XDOMREG01 = ‘XF’, ‘XG’, ‘XH’, ‘XI’, ‘XK’; XETHNIC01 = ‘21’, ‘22’, ‘29’, ‘31’, ‘32’, ‘33’, ‘34’, ‘39’, ‘40’ for GEM or XETHNIC01 = ‘10’ for White.