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Annual Monitoring

Annual Monitoring refers to the process by which programmes and modules are monitored and reviewed on an annual cycle.

Annual Monitoring processes at the University of Northampton have been designed to align with the expectations and practices of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code. All staff members engaging with Annual Monitoring should consult the Quality Code.

The University of Northampton is committed to implementing an efficient, robust and risk-based Annual Monitoring process informed by evidence, including data that has been analysed against institutional targets, sector comparator data where available, and informal evidence from the regular interactions with students. Targeted data that reflects the University’s ambitions, as set out in its Strategic Plan, is made available to Programme Teams and Faculties to inform Annual Monitoring.

The objectives of Annual Monitoring processes at the University of Northampton are as follows:

  • To provide an effective mechanism for identifying and planning improvement if a programme does not meet published institutional targets and/or thresholds.
  • To provide a trigger for additional support to me made available to Subject areas and Programme Teams if required.
  • To provide an efficient system for reporting on improvement plans and monitoring accountability for academic provision at different levels in the University thus demonstrating the University’s commitment to improving academic quality.

The Annual Monitoring process is informed by dashboard data provided by the Business Intelligence Management Information (BIMI) unit as well as other sources of information such as External Examiner reports.

Annual Monitoring aims to improve the quality of programmes by ensuring that key indicators falling below the minimum threshold expected for high quality programmes are improved. Programmes are required to submit an Improvement Plan detailing the actions they are taking to bring about change.

The University Academic Quality & Standards Committee (AQSC) receives summary Annual Monitoring data, by programme, annually which indicates whether any of the four key data indicators for Annual Monitoring (Student Retention, Achievement, Feedback and External Examiner Reports) are below the University’s threshold. This also allows AQSC to identify programmes with more than one key indicator below threshold. Where a minimum of three of the key data indicators remain below threshold for two consecutive Annual Monitoring cycles this will serve as an indicator that a more substantial intervention strategy is required to ensure the programme improves quickly whilst ensuring that the quality of the student experience is not compromised.

The Annual Monitoring process is maintained by the Quality Unit which ensures that the process continues to be proportionate, robust and meets the requirements of the QAA UK Quality Code. The Annual Monitoring Handbook is maintained by the Quality Unit to ensure its continuing accuracy and currency.

For more in-depth information and access to the related templates please see the Annual Monitoring Handbook.

Queries in relation to Annual Monitoring processes can be sent to validations@northampton.ac.uk.

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