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Our University of Northampton Strategy 2023-2027


Introduction from our Vice-Chancellor

Professor Anne-Marie Kilday, standing outside the Learning Hub

When I arrived at the University of Northampton in the summer of 2022, I was welcomed into an institution that has been transforming lives for decades. What began as Northampton Technical College in 1924 has evolved into the county’s only seat of higher education, enriching knowledge through research and building a better future for thousands of people in the UK and around the world.

I’m incredibly proud to be the Vice Chancellor of the University of Northampton, and the custodian of its legacy. In uncertain times, our polestar is the positive impact we can make, and the steps we must take to achieve our ambitions and enable others to achieve theirs.

This strategy (PDF, 3MB) will be our guide, and has been developed in close consultation with the people most affected by it – our staff and student community. Their commitment to their University is on each page, and I thank them for their guidance and counsel.

Now it is time for us to rise to their challenge and work together to deliver the University of Northampton they have envisioned. I am looking forward to every step of that journey, and invite you to join us.

Professor Anne-Marie Kilday, Vice Chancellor

VC's video introduction

Our priorities

Supporting aspiration, creating opportunities, delivering impact

Our purpose

Creating social impact

Foundations of our success

Supporting us as we evolve

Our values

Four key principles

How we developed our strategy

A process of co-creation

Our mission

Supporting aspiration, creating opportunities, delivering impact.


It is my pleasure to write this afterword for the new strategy of the University of Northampton. My colleagues and I have an enviable privilege to be its trustees, bringing experience of the private, public and voluntary sectors which rely on the teaching and research higher education provides.

The Board is delighted to endorse this strategy, and thank the staff, students and leadership of the University for their work in developing it. Having worked in the corporate sector and served on the Boards of several higher education institutions, I am acutely aware that reflection on a wide array of viewpoints leads to better planning, which informs decisions that move an organisation collectively in the right way. That has been the approach throughout the process that created the document you now read. I trust that you will find it lays a clear path for this University, and the foundation of great things to come.

During the time period covered by this strategy document the University will be transitioning from its youth to maturity. The aim now is – through the delivery of its mission and living its values – to become an exemplar for good practice in the sector for social impact and inclusivity that will benefit our local, national and international communities.

Geoff Donnelly

Chair of the Board of Governors, University of Northampton, September 2023