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NMC Essential Reading

Important information for NMC candidates

NMC Standards of Proficiency

The NMC standards represent the knowledge, skills and attributes that all future registered Nurses, Midwives and Nursing Associates must demonstrate to deliver safe, compassionate and effective nursing care. The framework for education and training sets out what Nurses and Midwives will need to know, and be able to do, by the time they apply for registration.

NMC – The code (2018)

The NMC Code was revised on 10th October 2018 to reflect their responsibilities for the regulation of Nursing Associates. You can find the revised Code on the NMC website.

NMC guidance

The NMC website provides guidance for UK registered Nurses and Midwives around professional issues. Please spend some time reading this guidance.

Fitness to practice

The NMC website provides details of investigations and complaints made against UK nurses and midwives. Please spend some time looking at the hearing and sanctions section.

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