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Available Podiatry Treatments

As podiatrists we offer a range of different treatments, some of which may involve:

  • Hard skin/callus/corns
  • Verrucas
  • Sports related injuries
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Bone concerns (Bunion/hammer toe/boney lump)
  • Nail care (routine or fungal)

This is not an exhaustive list of the concerns that we treat. We offer a range of specialist clinics and our referral process will enable us to ensure you are booked into an appropriate appointment slot.

The podiatry team will be happy to answer any queries you may have regarding the services we offer.

  • About Nail Surgery:

    • The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic which is like the type you may have received at the dentist.
    • If you have had previous problems with local anaesthetic, please inform the Podiatrist.
    • Your appointment will be approximately an hour long.
    • The post-operative wound will heal from the base upwards, no stitches are used.
    • Phenol is a chemical used to prevent regrowth of the nail.
    • There may be some post-operative bleeding, this is quite normal.
    • You will be expected to attend a re-dressing appointment.
    • Healing time is on average 4-8 weeks in healthy individuals.
    • Healing may be delayed if the nail is traumatized or becomes infected.

    Pre-Operative advice (before surgery):

    • Someone must attend with you to drive you home or you may organise a taxi.
    • You will need to provide a non-refundable deposit of £30 per toe ahead of the surgery. This needs to be paid in advance of the surgery, at least a week, or else the surgery will be cancelled. This is non-refundable.
    • Please bring an open-toed shoe such as a slider/sandal or spacious slipper to accommodate the initial bulky dressing.
    • Please make sure all nail polish (including gel and acrylics) has been removed prior to surgery.

    Post-Operative advice (after surgery)

    • You may experience pain which continues into the following day.
    • You may take pain killers e.g. paracetamol.
    • Do not take Aspirin within the first 3 hours after surgery as this can increase bleeding risk.
    • It is advisable to rest for the remainder of the day.  The next day you should be able to walk without too much discomfort.
    • Leave the dressing in place until your next appointment.
    • Some redness and watery discharge is normal following nail surgery. This may last a few weeks.
    • If you notice any increase in redness/swelling/pain or thick/smelly discharge or have any other problems please contact clinic.


    • Student podiatrist: £130 for one toe. £180 for two toes
    • Qualified podiatrist: £240 for one toe. £300 for two toes

    If you require nail surgery on more than two toes, a price will be discussed with you at the time of consultation.

  • What is Shockwave Therapy and what does it do?

    We use radial shockwave therapy to help with conditions that are slow to heal or resistant to first line treatments. It is indicated for several problems including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Medial tibial stress syndrome, patellar tendinopathy, greater trochanteric pain and more. Shockwave therapy doesn’t resolve problems on its own, but is considered a safe and effective addition to a wider treatment plan in some patients.

    It is non-invasive and requires no injections or pain relief.

    Physiological effects include; increased blood circulation, regulation of inflammation, tendon repair and regeneration, reduction in pain, and improving tight muscles.

    How many sessions will I need?

    Typically 3- 6 sessions are effective at 1 to 2 week intervals; with studies varying, but all showing general effectiveness of anywhere between 50% and 94%[1] of patients.

    Will it hurt and what to expect?

    Mild to moderate discomfort is experienced by most patients during treatment. Settings can be modified to individual patient tolerance. Gel is applied to the area of pain and the probe positioned on the skin. Pulses are delivered for around 5 to 10 minutes in and around the area of pain and this can be quite noisy.

    Following treatment do not use any anti-inflammatory medications or ice the area directly, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment


    • £50 per session, including consultation
  • What is Swift®?

    Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for the general treatment of skin lesions in podiatry and dermatology. Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.

    Does it hurt?

    It is not uncommon for patients to feel a sharp sensation, similar to an injection. Unlike most treatments for verruca, pain felt during the treatment quickly subsides, and only in rare cases is there any prolonged pain.

    What can I do after treatment?

    In some cases the treated area may feel sore but will not usually prevent you undertaking normal daily activities.

    How many treatments will I need?

    This is dependent on how you respond to treatment. In some cases, you may require a course of treatment (treatment regime is determined by your clinician and your podiatrist will be able to discuss this with you).

    Can anyone receive this treatment?

    With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this treatment. Swift is not recommended for use on some diabetic patients, patients with implanted electronic devices or electrodes or for use close to metallic objects (I.E. Metal foot implants, jewellery etc).


    • Student podiatrist: £85 per session including consultation
    • Qualified podiatrist: £120 per session including consultation
  • At The University of Northampton Podiatry Clinic we make all of our prescription insoles inhouse, in our Mechanical Therapy Lab.

    If you require prescription insoles, you may be given some temporary insoles initially to see how you feel wearing them. If you are happy with your temporary insoles, we can permanent ones for you, which usually takes between 4-6 weeks to make.

    We have a range of colour options available. If you would like to see our range of materials before going ahead with your permanent pair, please let a team member know.


    • Children insoles with fitting appointment: £45
    • Children insoles without fitting appointment: £25
    • Adult insoles with fitting appointment: £65
    • Adult insoles without fitting appointment: £45

    We often advise having a fitting appointment if this is your first time having permanent insoles, or if your insoles are quite complex.

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