What is Shockwave Therapy and what does it do?
We use radial shockwave therapy to help with conditions that are slow to heal or resistant to first line treatments. It is indicated for several problems including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Medial tibial stress syndrome, patellar tendinopathy, greater trochanteric pain and more. Shockwave therapy doesn’t resolve problems on its own, but is considered a safe and effective addition to a wider treatment plan in some patients.
It is non-invasive and requires no injections or pain relief.
Physiological effects include; increased blood circulation, regulation of inflammation, tendon repair and regeneration, reduction in pain, and improving tight muscles.
How many sessions will I need?
Typically 3- 6 sessions are effective at 1 to 2 week intervals; with studies varying, but all showing general effectiveness of anywhere between 50% and 94%[1] of patients.
Will it hurt and what to expect?
Mild to moderate discomfort is experienced by most patients during treatment. Settings can be modified to individual patient tolerance. Gel is applied to the area of pain and the probe positioned on the skin. Pulses are delivered for around 5 to 10 minutes in and around the area of pain and this can be quite noisy.
Following treatment do not use any anti-inflammatory medications or ice the area directly, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment
- £50 per session, including consultation