1. 2DD3005 – Major Project: Graphic Communication


    Co-ordinator: James Smith

    Credit Value: 40

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: 3YSL - Visual Communication Major Project (Sintlucas College, Netherlands) November, Coursework: 100% 3ZCV - Visual Communication Major Project (Cibap Vocational College For The Creative Artszech College), Coursework: 120%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable students to take ownership of a self-initiated and directed Graphic Communication project. It encourages students to generate research based creative solutions, reflect, and contextualize their work within theoretical and professional contexts. Students will build an industry standard portfolio that demonstrates their comprehensive understanding of the Graphic Communication field and its contemporary methods of application. The module also invites students to explore and apply their individuality within the context of the Graphic Communication industry and effectively communicate their point of view on contemporary design or world issues. It allows students to demonstrate the best of their Graphic Communication skills and abilities, creativity and professionalism for future graduate employment or postgraduate study.

  1. 2DD4004 – Principles of Visual Communication


    Co-ordinator: James Smith

    Credit Value: 80

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: 3YSL - Principles Of Visual Communication (Sintlucas College, Netherlands) November, Coursework: 100% 3ZCV - Principles Of Visual Communication (Cibap Vocational College For The Creative Arts), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to unfold the principles of Visual Communication and offer comprehensive exposure to the disciplines within the field. Through a series of projects and critical writing students will be equipped to indentify and apply the essentials of Visual Communication within contemporary industrial and theoretical setting.

  1. 2DD4005 – Practice Realisation


    Co-ordinator: Louise Bird

    Credit Value: 80

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: All Year

    Pre-requisites: 2DD2025 and 2DD2026

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Practice Realisation, Coursework: 100% STD - Practice Realisation, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Illustration; BA Illustration (Top Up);

    Description: This module enables students to advance their practice to a professional level, honing career preparations. Students will originate a body of work informed by research and planning that explores `illustrator as author? and `illustrator as problem solver?. Professionally resolved, quality outcomes will be presented through portfolio and by exhibition.

  1. PHO3006 – Professional Futures


    Co-ordinator: Richard Whitehead

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Professional Futures (With Integrated Foundation Year), Coursework: 100% STD - Professional Futures, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Photography; BA Photography (4 Year Programme); BA Photography Top Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is for students to confidently define their post- graduation trajectory. It focuses on the requirements to present a creative profile to support career development within a defined focus, developing further their preparation for employability. Promotional materials and personal planning will be developed.

  1. PHO3007 – Project Foundations: Research & Concept


    Co-ordinator: Jose Neves

    Credit Value: 40

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Project Foundations: Research & Concept (With Integrated Foundation Year), Coursework: 100% STD - Project Foundations: Research & Concept, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Photography; BA Photography (4 Year Programme); BA Photography Top Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is for students to begin to develop their final major project by producing an extended contextual and practice research proposal, to experiment with specialist practice techniques for this and to refine their use of their chosen tools within their practice.

  1. PHO4002 – Final Major Project


    Co-ordinator: Richard Whitehead

    Credit Value: 60

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Final Major Project, Coursework: 100% STD - Final Major Project, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Photography; BA Photography (4 Year Programme); BA Photography Top Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to support students in the realisation of their unique visual voice through the production of a research-informed Final Major Project. This will be displayed for an identified audience. Students will work collaboratively to produce their final group display.