1. EYS3126 – Research and Inquiry in Professional Contexts

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Tanya Richardson

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDTU - Research And Inquiry In Professional Contexts (Tu Group), Coursework: 100% STDFF - Research And Inquiry In Professional Contexts, Coursework: 100% STD - Research And Inquiry In Professional Contexts, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Early Childhood Studies; BA Early Childhood Studies (4 Year Programme); BA Early Childhood Studies Top-Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to provide a framework for students to develop their understanding of research, to enable them to critique and evaluate published research in relation to work with children and families. Practical exercises will help students to build their own research capacities prior to undertaking research for their Dissertation.

  1. EYS3136 – Specialist Option: Health and Social Care

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Robin Sturman-Coombs

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDTU - Specialist Option: Health And Social Care (Tu Group), Coursework: 100% STDFF - Specialist Option: Health And Social Care, Coursework: 100% STD - Specialist Option: Health And Social Care, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Early Childhood Studies; BA Early Childhood Studies (4 Year Programme); BA Early Childhood Studies Top-Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to build on and extend previous learning. It is designed to support students in their application of knowledge and skills in health and social care and to inform their practice and research in early years.

  1. EYS3137 – Professional Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Michelle Bugby

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDTU - Professional Pedagogy In Early Childhood Education And Care (Tu Group), Coursework: 100% STD - Professional Pedagogy In Early Childhood Education And Care, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Professional Pedagogy In Early Childhood Education And Care, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Early Childhood Studies; BA Early Childhood Studies (4 Year Programme); BA Early Childhood Studies Top-Up;

    Description: This module is designed to explore theories, principles and implementation of appropriate curriculum frameworks in Education and Care, including local, national and international dimensions and comparisons. Students will also develop their understanding of the professional roles in supporting the development and wellbeing of children.g.

  1. EYS3139 – Personal, Academic and Professional Development 3: Graduate Leadership

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Michelle Bugby

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Personal, Academic And Professional Development 3: Graduate Leadership, Coursework: 100% STD - Personal, Academic And Professional Development 3: Graduate Leadership, Coursework: 100% STDTU - Personal, Academic And Professional Development 3: Graduate Leadership, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to involve students in the study of the theory and practice of leadership and management techniques used in the provision of Early Years and children's services. The growing body of international research concerning management and leadership in early years and children's services is analysed and considered, in the context of preparing students for future professional roles in leading and supporting others.

  1. EYS3150 – Early Years Leadership and Management

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Tanya Richardson

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDTU - Early Years Leadership And Management (Tu Group), Coursework: 100% STDFF - Early Years Leadership And Management (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Early Years Leadership And Management, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Early Childhood Studies; BA Early Childhood Studies (4 Year Programme); BA Early Childhood Studies Top-Up;

    Description: In this module students evaluate the theory and practice of leadership and management used in early childhood provision. Students apply the theory to devise appropriate leadership and management practices in multi-professional working, change management, quality assurance and supporting the professional development of self and others.

  1. EYS4105 – Dissertation

    Field: EARLY YEARS

    Co-ordinator: Tanya Richardson

    Credit Value: 40

    Level: 6

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Dissertation, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Dissertation (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STDTU - Dissertation, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Early Childhood Studies; BA Early Childhood Studies (4 Year Programme); BA Early Childhood Studies Top-Up;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to support students design and carry out a small-scale investigation into a topic/aspect of practice or policy of their own choosing within the broad area of services for young children and families. In doing this students are demonstrating graduate skills associated with a significant piece of small-scale independent research. Normally students are expected to have had some preparation in research methodologies and methods before embarking on this module through the completion of EYS 3126.