1. EDU2002 – Debates in Education

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Neil Southwell

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Debates In Education (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Debates In Education, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: Debates in Education facilitates students? development of key graduate-employability skills of communication, argument, and analysis spontaneously in unpredictable live oral environments in which each student takes on the role of lecturers to research, present and lead debate of contended education issues, as well as reflectively in retrospective written reports.

  1. EDU2015 – Research Methods (Childhood and Youth and Education)

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Rachel Bassett-Dubsky

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDCY - Research Methods (Childhood And Youth And Education) Ba C&Y Only, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Research Methods (Childhood And Youth And Education) (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Research Methods (Childhood And Youth And Education) (Education Studies), Coursework: 100% STCFF - Research Methods (Childhood And Youth) (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth;

    Description: This module will provide students with a grounding in independent research. Students will explore research methods in theory and application and gain practical research experience. A range of paradigms in social science research and related methodologies are investigated including evaluation of the suitability of different research designs, methodologies and methods. It will also provide students with underpinning understanding of independent research tools for the Level 6 dissertation.

  1. EDU2022 – Effective Intervention, Safeguarding and Integrated Working in Children and Young People’s Services

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Robin Sturman-Coombs

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Effective Intervention, Safeguarding And Integrated Working In Children And Young People'S Services (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Effective Intervention, Safeguarding And Integrated Working In Children And Young People'S Services, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to understand the experiences and life chances of children and young people who are in need, in need of protection and those looked after by local authorities. A holistic approach to working with children, young people and their families is emphasised and the importance of integrated working is illustrated and modelled through assessments.

  1. EDU2023 – Young People and Society Part 1 (SEN and inclusion)

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Kyffin Jones

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDCY - Young People And Society Part 1 (Sen And Inclusion) (Ba Childhood & Youth), Coursework: 100% STD - Young People And Society Part 1 (Sen And Inclusion) (Education Studies), Coursework: 100% STDFF - Young People And Society Part 1 (Sen And Inclusion) (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth;

    Description: This module is designed to give students an understanding of the issues and debates related to Special Educational Needs and the impact on learners. Module content will focus on the individual perspectives of children, young people and learners together with professionals and society in general. Students will be expected to consider and reflect upon their own experiences and their own place within society.

  1. EDU2024 – Young People and Society part 2 (Diversity and Pluralism)

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Kyffin Jones

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Young People And Society Part 2 (Diversity And Pluralism) (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STDCY - Young People And Society Part 2 (Diversity And Pluralism) (Ba Childhood & Youth), Coursework: 100% STD - Young People And Society Part 2 (Diversity And Pluralism), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth; BA Childhood & Youth (4 Year Programme);

    Description: This module is designed to give students an understanding of the issues and debates related to living in a diverse and plural society. The module content will focus on the features and impact of this diversity and will allow students to reflect and analyse a range of contemporary issues related to children, young people and families. Students will draw upon experience in various community settings.

  1. EDU2025 – Transitions for Children, Young People and Families

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Toby Purser

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1 or 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Transitions For Children, Young People And Families (4 Year Programme) Semester 1, Coursework: 100% STDCY - Transitions For Children, Young People And Families (Childhood & Youth), Coursework: 100% STD - Transitions For Children, Young People And Families (Education Studies) (Semester 1), Coursework: 100% STD2 - Transitions For Children, Young People And Families (Education Studies) (Semester 2), Coursework: 100% STCFF - Transitions For Children, Young People And Families (4 Year Programme) (Childhood & Youth), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to explore and analyse key transitions experienced by children, young people and families. This module considers what makes a `successful? transition and how this can be effectively supported. Initiatives, innovations and policies are examined in order to identify examples of good practice.

  1. EDU2027P – Work Based Learning in Children and Young People’s Services

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Lisa Smallwood

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: EDU1026P

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: WBLFF - Work Based Learning In Children And Young People'S Services (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% WBL - Work Based Learning In Children And Young People'S Services, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Childhood & Youth;

    Description: The purpose of this module is for students to complete 120 hours of work based experience in a children and young people?s service setting. Students will enhance their own professional development through self-reflection, mentor feedback, literature research and tutor formative and summative assessment.

  1. EDU2030 – Special Education Needs and Disability

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Kyffin Jones

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Special Education Needs And Disability (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Special Education Needs And Disability, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable students to develop a critical appreciation of the complex and individual nature of SEND, whilst increasing depth of understanding of the issues and debates related to SEND and Inclusion and their impact on learners and other key stakeholders in learning and teaching.

  1. EDU2031 – Learning Through Education Research

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Neil Southwell

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Learning Through Education Research, Coursework: 100% STD - Learning Through Education Research, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to explore research methodologies and methods in order to learn about educational research. This module will provide students with the broad characteristics of social science research practice. Students will develop a research tool and present research plans on their chosen topic of interest.

  1. EDU2032 – Education in a Diverse Society

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Samantha Weeks

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: EDU1039

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Education In A Diverse Society (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Education In A Diverse Society, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: The purpose of this work based module is to extend previous learning about communication, research and ethics in educuational setting with a specific focus on difference and diversity in a range of contexts. There will be opportunities for students to arrange their own placement in consultation with the Partnership Tutor.

  1. EDU2033 – Education and Technology

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Samantha Weeks

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Education And Technology, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Education And Technology (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to develop students? confidence in using, critiquing and applying technology in education. There will be an exploration of theoretical perspectives, policy influences, practical application, ethical implications and the role of the educator.

  1. EDU2034 – Education in a Global Context

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Kyffin Jones

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Education In A Global Context (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Education In A Global Context, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA Education Studies;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to empower students to investigate the international context of education. Students will explore historical, cultural, and political dimensions in the context of global priorities that have an impact upon education systems.

  1. EDU2035 – Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Rachel Bassett-Dubsky

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Special Educational Needs And Inclusion, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Special Educational Needs And Inclusion (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: Students will develop an understanding of past and contemporary issues, legislation and practice related to Special Educational Needs and Inclusion as these impact children, young people and families. Research literature will advance students? appreciation of the complexities of SEN and the relationship between research and developments in policy and practice.

  1. EDU2036 – Research Methods (Children, Young People and Families)

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Rachel Bassett-Dubsky

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Research Methods (Children, Young People And Families) (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Research Methods (Children, Young People And Families), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: This module will provide students with a grounding in independent research. Students will explore research methods in theory and application and gain practical research experience. A range of paradigms in social science research and related methodologies are investigated including evaluation of the suitability of different research designs, methodologies and methods.

  1. EDU2037 – Working with Families

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Helen Simmons

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Working With Families (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Working With Families, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: This module provides students with opportunities to engage in critical debate and discussion on issues relating to children, young people and their families. Students will explore a range of issues, difficulties and challenges that families face in contemporary society, supported by the latest evidence and research in the field.

  1. EDU2038P – Diversity and Inclusion in Work Based Learning with Children, Young People and Families

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Lisa Smallwood

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: Satisfactory DBS clearanceEDU1044P

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: WBLFF - Diversity And Inclusion In Work Based Learning With Children, Young People And Families (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% WBL - Diversity And Inclusion In Work Based Learning With Children, Young People And Families, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: The purpose of this module is for students to gain work-based experience in a children and young people?s service setting. Students will enhance their own professional development through careful consideration of issues of inclusion and diversity when working with children, young people, families and professionals.

  1. EDU2039 – Diversity and Pluralism

    Field: EDUCATION

    Co-ordinator: Kyffin Jones

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Diversity And Pluralism, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Diversity And Pluralism (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families; Bachelor Of Arts In Working With Children, Young People And Families With Integrated Foundation Year;

    Description: This module is designed to give students an understanding of issues and debates related to living in a diverse and plural society. The module encourages students to analyse a range of contemporary issues related to the impact diverse characteristics (and attitudes towards these) may have on lived experience and opportunities.