1. HIS2010 – Crime, Policing and Punishment in England, 1700-1900

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Drew Gray

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Crime, Policing And Punishment In England, 1700-1900 (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Crime, Policing And Punishment In England, 1700-1900, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme); BA Law With Criminology; BA Law With Criminology (Integrated Foundation Year);

    Description: The purpose of this module is explore the fundamental changes that occurred in attitudes to, and policies towards crime, policing and punishment in Britain during a period of fundamental economic and social change.

  1. HIS2013 – Comrades and Revolutions! A History of the Communist Movement in Europe and Asia

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Paul Jackson

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Comrades And Revolutions! A History Of The Communist Movement In Europe And Asia, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Comrades And Revolutions! A History Of The Communist Movement In Europe And Asia (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to explore the ideas of Karl Marx, and examine how these influenced Communist states in Europe and Asia in the twentieth century. It will include scrutiny of Marxist ideologies, communist regimes, their political, social and cultural history, and promote a comparative approach to history.

  1. HIS2014 – First World War

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Jim Beach

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - First World War (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - First World War, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to explore the First World War through the conceptual framework of Total War. It examines the military operations as well as the diplomatic, political, social and economic dimensions of the conflict. Using a mixture of chronological and thematic studies, the module provides the student with an understanding of this seminal war.

  1. HIS2028 – Dissertation Research Skills

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Tim Reinke-Williams

    Credit Value: 10

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Dissertation Research Skills (Foundation Study Framework), Coursework: 100% STD - Dissertation Research Skills, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to faciliate and promote students? on-going development of their professional research skills through undertaking personal development plans and skills reflections.

  1. HIS2030 – Medieval Chivalry and its Afterlives

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Rachel Moss

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Medieval Chivalry And Its Afterlives, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Medieval Chivalry And Its Afterlives (Foundation Study Framework), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme);

    Description: Chivalry: more than just knights in shining armour jousting for the love of fair ladies. Chivalry was in fact the overarching cultural ethos of the medieval world. From the twelfth to fifteenth centuries, chivalric values profoundly shaped medieval political, literary and artistic cultures, while also influencing how people framed wider social values.

  1. HIS2035 – Shadows of Empire: Movements and Migrations

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Mark Rothery

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - Shadows Of Empire: Movements And Migrations, Coursework: 100% STDFF - Shadows Of Empire: Movements And Migrations, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to help students understand the nature of global and international history and to build an awareness of the contours and contexts of imperialism and colonialism both in history and in the way they shape contemporary society and culture.

  1. HIS2037 – From Pleasure to Anxiety: The English Aristocracy 1750-1950

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Mark Rothery

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STD - From Pleasure To Anxiety: The English Aristocracy 1750-1950, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History; BA History (4 Year Programme);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the history of the landed upper classes through both historiographical and primary source material.

  1. HIS2038 – Communicating History

    Field: HISTORY

    Co-ordinator: Caroline Nielsen

    Credit Value: 10

    Level: 5

    Timetable Slot: Semester 2

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: STDFF - Communicating History (4 Year Programme), Coursework: 100% STD - Communicating History, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: BA History;

    Description: This module provides students with opportunities to develop research and analysis skills by undertaking a problem-solving project for a specific partner. Using traditional and digital media, students will be required to communicate their findings to non-historians, demonstrating transferable skills of use in various graduate-level careers and postgraduate study.