1. HRMM020 – The Effective Manager


    Co-ordinator: Harriet Richmond

    Credit Value: 10

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTDL - The Effective Manager (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable students to develop a sense of self-awareness and of their own strengths and development needs as effective managers, colleagues and subordinates. Through reflective practice students will analyse personal effectiveness, planning own development and improvement by maximising the learning opportunities around them.

  1. HRMM030 – Dissertation and Research Methods


    Co-ordinator: Divya Shukla

    Credit Value: 60

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SUMGU - Dissertation And Research Methods (Gulf University), Coursework: 100% AUTDL - Dissertation And Research Methods Dl (September Cohort, 3 Terms), Coursework: 100% AUTHR - Dissertation And Research Methods (Human Resource Management Institute), Coursework: 100% AUTPT - Dissertation And Research Methods Pt (September Cohort, 3 Terms), Coursework: 100% SPRDL - Dissertation And Research Methods Dl (February Cohort, 3 Terms), Coursework: 100% SPRHR - Dissertation And Research Methods (Human Resource Management Institute), Coursework: 100% SPRPT - Dissertation And Research Methods Pt (February Cohort, 3 Terms), Coursework: 100% SUMEP - Dissertation And Research Methods (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100% SUM - Dissertation And Research Methods Ft (February Cohort, 2 Terms), Coursework: 100% SPR - Dissertation And Research Methods Ft (September Cohort, 2 Terms), Coursework: 100% SUMHR - Dissertation And Research Methods (Human Resource Management Institute), Coursework: 100% SPRGU - Dissertation And Research Methods (Gulf University), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to provide learners with the opportunity to undertake independent research and related research methods training. The module reflects the types of project which students will undertake with an emphasis on work-related or applied research and the contrasting research paradigms that may be followed.

  1. HRMM032 – Human Resource Management in Context


    Co-ordinator: Clare Allen

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT - Human Resource Management In Context, Coursework: 100% AUTEP - Human Resource Management In Context (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100% AUTGU - Human Resource Management In Context (Gulf University), Coursework: 100% SPRPT - Human Resource Management In Context, Coursework: 100% AUTPT - Human Resource Management In Context (Part Time), Coursework: 100% SPR - Human Resource Management In Context, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to analyse the environmental forces impacting upon organisations and the effect on the management of people and organisational strategy. Learners will develop an understanding of the ways that organisations respond to environmental forces and the constraints and challenges facing HR professionals.

  1. HRMM033 – Leading, Managing and Developing People


    Co-ordinator: Jean Egbegi

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT - Leading, Managing And Developing People, Coursework: 100% AUTEP - Leading, Managing And Developing People (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100% AUTGU - Leading, Managing And Developing People (Gulf University), Coursework: 100% AUTPT - Leading, Managing And Developing People (Part Time), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to diagnose, analyse and identify solutions for problems associated with the leadership, management and development of people within a variety of organisational contexts.

  1. HRMM034 – Investigating a Business Issue


    Co-ordinator: Chris Withers Green

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTPT - Investigating A Business Issue (Part-Time), Coursework: 100% SPRPT - Investigating A Business Issue (Part-Time), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to investigate a live business issue from an HR perspective, locating this within current debates. Learners will collect and analyse data to inform recommendations for current and future practice.

  1. HRMM042 – Strategic Leadership


    Co-ordinator: Harriet Richmond

    Credit Value: 10

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTDL - Strategic Leadership (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of the module is to introduce learners to dimensions of strategic leadership. The module will prepare learners to become innovative, strategic thinkers and change agents who are able to lead agile organisations, attaining sustainable, competitive advantage in complex and ambiguous strategic environments.

  1. HRMM055 – Managing and Organisational Behaviour


    Co-ordinator: Dean Brookes

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPRAG - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Amity Global Institute Pte Ltd, Singapore), Coursework: 100% AU2DL - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% AUTHB - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Helskinki School Of Business) September/October Cohort, Coursework: 100% AUTSD - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Stafford Associates, Ras Al Khaimah), Coursework: 100% AUTEP - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Epsilon Net College, Greece), Coursework: 100% SUMAI - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Amity Global Business School, Mauritius) Cohort 4, Coursework: 100% SUMSD - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Stafford Associates, Ras Al Khaimah), Coursework: 100% AUTDL - Managing And Organisational Behaviour, Coursework: 100% SPREP - Managing And Organisational Behaviour (Epsilon Net College, Greece), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Mba; MBA Placement;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to develop critical understanding of theories related to organisational behaviour and Human Resource Management. Students will engage in informed decision making and apply theoretical concepts in practice considering the contextual and subjective nature of the discipline.

  1. HRMM057 – Organisational Behaviour


    Co-ordinator: Linda Coles

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AU2DL - Organisational Behaviour (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% AUTDL - Organisational Behaviour (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: This module is designed to extend learners? knowledge of organisational behaviour, evaluating the processes and problems inherent in the study of management. This module considers a range of theories, tools and techniques which will assist learners to understand organisational environments and the impact on organisational behaviour.

  1. HRMM058 – Leadership in a Changing Context


    Co-ordinator: Chris Withers Green

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SUMDL - Leadership In A Changing Context (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% AUTDL - Leadership In A Changing Context (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% SPRSD - Leadership In A Changing Context (Stafford Associates, Ras Al Khaimah), Coursework: 100% SPREX - Leadership In A Changing Context (Mba Executive, Pt), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is for learners to develop awareness of different business cultures across the world, and how this contributes to effective leadership. It will assess the relevance of classical theory and explore current perspectives to examine how organisations might balance leadership and a global perspective.

  1. HRMM060 – International and Comparative HRM


    Co-ordinator: Clare Allen

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT - International And Comparative Hrm, Coursework: 100% AUTPT - International And Comparative Hrm (Part Time), Coursework: 100% AUT2 - International And Comparative Hrm, Coursework: 100% AUTGU - International And Comparative Hrm (Gulf University), Coursework: 100% SPREP - International And Comparative Hrm (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to critically appraise the international context of strategic Human Resource Management, exploring the implications of the globalisation and internationalisation of business for HR strategy and practice within organisations operating across national boundaries.

  1. HRMM061 – Managing Across Cultures


    Co-ordinator: Holger Siemons

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPRDL - Managing Across Cultures (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to understand business cultures around the world, evaluating the impact that different cultural contexts have on individuals working in non-native cultures. Learners will reflect upon these issues to improve own professional effectiveness in management and leadership in international contexts.

  1. HRMM068 – Managing Project Teams


    Co-ordinator: Lydia Selby

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT2 - Managing Project Teams, Coursework: 100% SUM - Managing Project Teams, Coursework: 100% SPR2 - Managing Project Teams, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MSc Project Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to equip learners with critical awareness of practical and theoretical concepts associated with managing high performing project teams by examining the management and leadership of teams working in complex organizational contexts. The module will examine the leadership skills and competencies required to create confident and accomplished project leaders.

  1. HRMM069 – Personal and Professional Executive Development (SLMDA)


    Co-ordinator: Hayley Henderson

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPRDA - Personal And Professional Executive Development (Slmda) Online Module, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: Apprentices will build on a range of skills and knowledge that support personal development, which are pivotal to their role, and support effective leadership, and performance within an organisation. The purpose of this module is to enable apprentices to develop a sense of self-awareness of their own strengths and development needs as leaders, and also of colleagues, and subordinates. Through reflective practice apprentices are also encouraged to analyse their effectiveness and plan for development and improvement in the future by maximising the learning opportunities around them. Through studying this module, apprentices will develop their knowledge, behaviours and competence in personal effectiveness and core people management practices and activities. It enables apprentices to understand the processes involved in self-development and the identification of areas for personal and professional development

  1. HRMM072 – Career Futures: Employability Skills


    Co-ordinator: Laura Swallow

    Credit Value: 0

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTPT - Career Futures: Employability Skills, Coursework: 100% SUM - Career Futures: Employability Skills, Coursework: 100% AUT - Career Futures: Employability Skills, Coursework: 100% SPR - Career Futures: Employability Skills, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management; MBA Placement; MSc Accounting & Finance; MSc International Marketing Strategy (Placement Route);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to be able to compete for current (placements and internships) and future job opportunities.

  1. HRMM074 – Work-Based Project


    Co-ordinator: Jenny Cartwright

    Credit Value: 60

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: HRMM072

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SUM - Work-Based Project, Coursework: 100% SPR - Work-Based Project, Coursework: 100% AUT - Work-Based Project, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MSc International Marketing Strategy (Placement Route);

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to identify, devise and carry out a work-based project in an organisation. Through this module learners will engage with and apply research and consultation skills and processes in work-based contexts to address live organisational issues/topics.

  1. HRMM075 – Resourcing and Developing Talent


    Co-ordinator: Ade Ige-Olaobaju

    Credit Value: 30

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPRPT - Resourcing And Developing Talent Part Time, Coursework: 100% SPRGU - Resourcing And Developing Talent (Gulf University), Coursework: 100% SPREP - Resourcing And Developing Talent (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100% SPR - Resourcing And Developing Talent, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to develop a critical understanding of practical, strategic and theoretical aspects of resourcing and developing employees. Learning activities will equip students to design, deliver and evaluate resourcing and development practices which contribute to organisational effectiveness and align with relevant contextual factors.

  1. HRMM076 – Employment Law and Relations


    Co-ordinator: Muhammad Burdbar Khan

    Credit Value: 30

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPR - Employment Law And Relations, Coursework: 100% AUTPT - Employment Law And Relations Part Time, Coursework: 100% AUT - Employment Law And Relations, Coursework: 100% SUMEP - Employment Law And Relations (Epsilon Net College), Coursework: 100% SPRPT - Employment Law And Relations Part Time, Coursework: 100% SPRGU - Employment Law And Relations (Gulf University), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MA Human Resource Management;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to develop a critical understanding of employment law and employee relations responses to mitigate organisational risk and support organisational performance. Learning activities will equip students with the skills needed to develop these processes and practically handle employee relations issues.

  1. HRMM077 – Understanding and Enhancing Employability


    Co-ordinator: Claire Allen

    Credit Value: 30

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SUM - Understanding And Enhancing Employability, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to introduce learners to the graduate employment market. Learners will critically evaluate their own employment prospects in the context of the UK labour market and specifially their chosen sector. They will develop strategies for professional development to ehnance their employability prospects and improve on and practice some of the requisite skills required by employers.

  1. HRMM078 – Work Readiness and Professional Development


    Co-ordinator: Laura Swallow

    Credit Value: 30

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SUM - Work Readiness And Professional Development, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: The purpose of this module is to prepare learners for the intensive work placement and for graduate recruitment and selection processes. Learners will critically evaluate the variables affecting organisational culture and style and willgain practical expereince of preparing for and partcipiating in an Assessment Centre from the perspective of both employer and applicant /candidate. Learners will also ehnance their employability prospects by further developing some of the requisite skills required by employers.

  1. HRMM079 – Skills for MBA Study


    Co-ordinator: Divya Shukla

    Credit Value: 10

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTDL - Skills For Mba Study (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% AUT - Skills For Mba Study, Coursework: 100% SPR - Skills For Mba Study, Coursework: 100% SPRDL - Skills For Mba Study, Coursework: 100% SUM - Skills For Mba Study, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MBA Placement;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to equip learners with the skills and confidence to successfully navigate the critical and analytical demands of master's level academic study. Learners will reflect upon their previous study experiences and learning transitions, situating these experiences in the context of relevant academic literature.

  1. HRMM080 – Ethical and Responsible Leadership


    Co-ordinator: Divya Shukla

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPR - Ethical And Responsible Leadership, Coursework: 100% SUM - Ethical And Responsible Leadership, Coursework: 100% AUT - Ethical And Responsible Leadership, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MBA Placement;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to recognise, develop and apply responsible leadership qualities and skills, in line with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Learners will consider how ethical and responsible leadership behaviours contribute towards creating ethically responsible organisations in dynamic organisational environments.

  1. HRMM090 – Leading People Through Change


    Co-ordinator: Muhammad Hijazy

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUTDL - Leading People Through Change (Distance Learning), Coursework: 100% SPR - Leading People Through Change, Coursework: 100% AUT - Leading People Through Change, Coursework: 100% SPRDL - Leading People Through Change, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for:

    Description: This module enables leaders to develop an in-depth understanding of various HR-related issues and challenges that are faced in planning and implementing change in organisations. Complexities of leading organisations through and post-change will be exploredalongside the role of ethical and responsible leadership in supporting a positive organisational culture.

  1. HRMM091 – Major Project (Placement)


    Co-ordinator: Jenny Cartwright

    Credit Value: 40

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot:

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: SPR2 - Major Project (Placement), Coursework: 100% SUM - Major Project (Placement), Coursework: 100% AUT - Major Project (Placement), Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: MBA Placement;

    Description: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to identify, select and research a work-based business or management topic. The module introduces participants to key concepts in work-based research, equipping them with the skills required to engage in action research in applied business and management contexts

  1. HRMM093 – People Development and Leadership


    Co-ordinator: Divya Shukla

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT - People Development And Leadership, Coursework: 100% AUT2 - People Development And Leadership, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Mba;

    Description: This module will enable learners to critically evaluate and develop strategic people development and leadership skills. Application of these skills will enable learners to understand individual/collective behavioural dynamics and its influence on organisational goals. Learners will have the opportunity to develop self-reflection through reflective practice and models of professional development.

  1. HRMM094 – Academic and Digital Skills for Professionals


    Co-ordinator: Laura Swallow

    Credit Value: 20

    Level: 7

    Timetable Slot: Semester 1

    Pre-requisites: None

    Co-requisites: None

    Assessment: AUT - Academic And Digital Skills For Professionals, Coursework: 100% AUT2 - Academic And Digital Skills For Professionals, Coursework: 100%

    Designated for: Designated for: Mba;

    Description: This module equips learners with skills and confidence to successfully navigate the demands of both master?s level study and future careers in the digital era. Through reflection, learners will analyse and critique previous experiences, situating these in the context of relevant academic literature and real-life case studies.