
Updated 05.07.2024

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Become a UON Brand Student Influencer

If you are passionate about being an influential voice for UON, then we are looking for you!

30 March 2023

Helen Bolton: my Occupational Therapy experience in Finland

Helen shares her experiences and the highlights of an Occupational Therapy journey of a lifetime through an exchange with the University of Applied Sciences (JAMK), Jyväskylä, Finland.

28 March 2023

Why Study Accounting and Finance at the University of Northampton?

These are the Top 5 reasons to study BSc Accounting and Finance at the University of Northampton

24 March 2023

Olivia Liddington: What is Varsity?

Varsity is an annual event you don’t want to miss; current student Olivia shares her experiences of Varsity, including what to expect. 

14 March 2023

Charmaine Vushe: My Clearing Journey

Charmaine shares her journey joining the University of Northampton through clearing, to begin her Social Work career.

13 March 2023

My Placement year at The World Disney Company: “Where dreams become reality”

How the University of Northampton supported me to land my dream placement with The Walt Disney Company.

27 February 2023

Learning to Save Lives: My Experience with First Aid Training in University

First aid training is a valuable experience for university students as it equips them with the necessary skills to provide basic life support in emergency situations. In this blog, Aliya…

20 February 2023

Matilda Nichols: My Volunteering Trip to Sri Lanka

Matilda Nichols writes about her experience volunteering in the community in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka through the charity TravelTeer.

17 February 2023

Ruth Bernardo: My Clearing Journey

Ruth shares her clearing experience and offers advice to anyone who may be going through the clearing process right now.

15 February 2023

So You’ve Applied to Uni… What Happens Next?

Applying to universities can be confusing, so we've put together this blog to help you. Wherever you are in the process, don’t worry. Whether or not you’ve hit ‘submit’ on…

25 January 2023

Finding out about Discovery Days at the University of Northampton

This blog outlines the key perks of attending a Discovery Day at the University of Northampton and what you can get out of attending one.

12 January 2023

Welcome to 2023: Embrace friction to foster progress

Kick off your 2023 with these useful tips on how a bit of friction can benefit you in any challenges you may have.

9 January 2023