Detail of award:       Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Trauma and Orthopaedic Care 2024 entry

Name of award:       Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Trauma and Orthopaedic Care


In order to achieve the named award above, students must meet all requirements of this award map.



Stage 1


Code               Title                                                                                       Credits          Status                        Pre-requisites          Location


NURM063      Advanced Patient Centred Care for The Acutely

Unwell Adult                                                                          20                    Compulsory               None                           Oxford University


NURM141      Advanced Patient Centered Trauma Care                          20                    Compulsory               None                           Oxford University


NURM142      Advanced Orthopaedic Care                                                20                    Compulsory               None                           Oxford University





Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Trauma and Orthopaedic Care: To be eligible for the award students must successfully complete all compulsory modules



