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Visiting the University

Visiting for Schools Engagement Activities

This page has lots of information on what you may need for a visit to our university to attend an event or opportunity.

  • We realise that with the cuts in school budgets schools will find it difficult to attend events and as a result this may prevent students from being inspired to consider applying for a higher education course.

    The University of Northampton will endeavour to provide subsidised and/or FREE transport for our FREE events and opportunities through our Schools Engagement programmes.

    Subsidised transport for our SPARK (Primary) Schools and partner Secondary Schools is available for all Schools Engagement opportunities and events up to the value of £350.

    See below how to claim.

    Please be aware that whilst coaches can drop and collect directly from our Waterside Campus, there is no parking.

    1. Once you have booked onto an opportunity, book and pay for your own transport.
    2. Send your quote for the transport on school headed paper (not the coach company booking form) to schoolsengagement@northampton.ac.uk , or for partner secondary schools, to your school co-ordinator. The current bursary is a maximum of £350.
    3. You will receive a Purchase Order from our finance department.

    How to claim your Travel Bursary – after the event

    1. Look at the Purchase Order sent to you for the Purchase Order number
    2. Create and send your invoice to invoicing.invoicing@northampton.ac.uk quoting this PO number
    3. Please do this promptly after attending an opportunity

    NB. No payments will be agreed or paid for if quotes are sent to the University of Northampton after the event has taken place.

  • Download the University of Northampton Risk Assessment (Word, 60 KB) for visiting any of our sites for a Schools Engagement activity.

  • Please complete this Microsoft Form before your Schools Engagement event.

    Photos may be taken during any Schools Engagement event (on campus or in your schools) for publicity purposes, including use on social media. It is schools’ responsibility to ensure that students know if they do or do not have parental/carer consent to be photographed and/or filmed. UON cannot be held responsible. Schools and students must take responsibility for removing themselves from opportunities where they may be filmed/photographed.

  • All drop-offs will be outside the Senate Building, entering Waterside Campus from the Bedford Road in Northampton, NN1 5PH.

    • Coaches are only allowed on site for 15 minutes.  Please let your coach company know that there is no coach parking at any time on campus at any time.
    • Minibuses and cars can park on campus in the visitor parking area, with prior arrangement and booked in advance through UON. There is a small charge for parking on-campus.
  • University of Northampton Code of Conduct for school visits

    We very much hope you enjoy your experience and your students understand what the positive aspects of studying at university can have on their futures.

    While on campus, the students from your school are your direct responsibility. At no time should they be left alone or with members of the University team without school staff supervision. Students should not be allowed to wander around the campus unsupervised, unless they are year 12/13 students and pre-arranged with the UON team.

    This is a learning environment where teaching is always in operation and the conduct of your students should reflect the need to respect this environment. Should the conduct of your students not comply with these expectations, we anticipate that the adult in charge of the group will manage that conduct effectively and quickly to prevent disruption to the group. If this does not happen, one of our team will prompt the staff member in charge of the group.

    We anticipate that your group’s conduct during your visit will be of the highest standard, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to the UON team.

    Anticipated Standard of Student Behaviour 

    School staff are responsible for the behaviour of their students during activities, workshops and performances lead by the University of Northampton (UON) on campus and in your school setting. UON staff, students and representatives of UON facilitating activities for schools will not accept rude, offensive or disrespectful behaviour.  Should this occur, immediate suspension of the activity will occur, regardless of whether the activity has been completed.  If there is a cost to UON in facilitating the activity, the school may be charged as a result of this behaviour.

    Please ensure that staff always remain present in the room, unless other arrangements have been made with the lead UON staff.  It would be very helpful to the delivery if all staff in the room were spread out to manage behaviour and take responsibility for the actions of their students within the room.

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