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level: PG top_up: false international: true clearing: false full_time: true part_time: true start_month: October, March location: Waterside

​Accounting and Finance ​PhD/PhD by Published works

Key Facts

  • Level

    PostgraduatePG PhD

  • Duration

    PhD: Full Time 2 years - 4 years or Part Time 3 years - 6 years
    PhD by Published Works: Part Time 1 year - 2 years

  • Starting

    October, March

Updated 24/01/2025

Updated 24/01/2025

Get in touch

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0300 303 2772


44 (0)1604 892134


If you have a degree in Accounting and Finance or a related field, our Accounting & Finance PhD / PhD by Published Works programme is an ideal way to broaden your knowledge and research abilities. The University of Northampton offers a fascinating student experience paired with thought-provoking advice from our academic staff, and our postgraduate students are an essential element of the Business and Law Faculty’s research environment. Our Accounting and Finance PhD course aims to develop world-class financial and accounting researchers. Whilst completing a PhD in Accounting and Finance, students collaborate with academic staff and their supervisory team to establish and complete projects which influence theory, policy, and practice in accounting and finance studies. Students will perform empirical or theoretical research leading to new knowledge in a selected field under the supervision of research supervisors and are obliged to produce a thesis. The researcher will receive the highest qualification that any UK institution can grant, if the final thesis is successfully defended orally (viva voce). It will also provide researchers with a fantastic opportunity to further their academic careers or advance into higher executive roles in the sector. Our PhD in Accounting and Finance programme is intended to provide you with research expertise in the field.

Find out more about the Research Centres and Institutes: ​

The closing dates for applications for the October intake is 1 August, and for the March intake is 11 December.


  • ​Achieve academic excellence
  • Present and discuss your work in progress with colleagues and staff members
  • Conduct advanced and original academic research and join the next generation of accounting researchers
  • Present your work at national or international conferences (usually at later stages of the PhD process)
  • ​Aims to develop world-class researchers specialised in finance and accounting​
  • Regular research seminars, conferences and research activities led by our Research Centres and the Graduate School​​

Entry Requirements

​​Applications to our highly competitive programme are welcomed and will be considered from qualified graduates, who are typically expected to hold a UK first degree or international equivalent in a relevant subject in the first or 2:1 class, or to hold or currently be completing a master’s qualification from a UK university or international equivalent in a relevant subject.

  • ​Students with lower-level qualifications or qualifications in a different subject area, but relevant experience will also be considered on an individual basis.

    ​All applicants will also be required to show proof of all their qualifications. All suitable candidates will be invited to an interview with a potential supervisor and a panel of academics, in person or virtually.

    ​All offers of a place on the programme are subject to:

    • ​successful interview by the University
    • availability of suitable member of staff to supervise the chosen research topic

    ​For your application to be successful, your academic credentials are important. We pay thoughtful consideration to the suitability of our candidates for both the programme and for the research interests of our team of academics. PhD applicants are assessed based on their previous academic performance, and the quality of their research proposal.

    ​Before you apply, we recommend that you develop a suitable research proposal, and find out more about applying for research degrees with us, how to find a potential Supervisor and what documents are required as part of the application process.​

  • ​If English is not your first language you will be required to prove your competency in English, showing an IELTS score of at least 7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in writing, and 6.5 in all other sub-skills (or equivalent English proficiency qualification) at postgraduate research level. Applications with IELTS lower than 5.5 in all components will not be considered.

Course Content

  • This Accounting and Finance PhD programme is a way for you to develop your specialism and improve your research, written, presentation and practice skills. While developing and setting up your research projects, you will initially receive general, face-to-face project specific training so that you can conduct your research work effectively and independently. Normally, our PhD students register for an MPhil and within the first twelve months of study are expected to transfer from the MPhil to the PhD programme. The transfer process requires our students to produce a detailed research proposal and apply for ethics approval. Students will be required to present their written work to an academic audience and then proceed for the internal viva examination with an internal transfer viva examiner. The transfer viva process, appointment of internal examiner and approval of ethics documents are all subject to approval by the University research committees. PhD students are assigned to a supervisory team which consists of a Director of Study (DOS), and first and second supervisors. Our students are required to work independently on their research, under the advice and supervision of their supervisory team. Due to the nature of PhD study, our students spend a vast majority of their time, studying and engaging in independent research. Students are required to have supervision meetings regularly to discuss their progress, action plan for the next steps, and suggestions for improvements to their research.

    Research topics

    This course is unique to the University of Northampton. We can supervise topics including:

    • ​Corporate Governance
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Enterprise Risk management
    • Banks’ Operational Risk
    • ​Tax Avoidance
    • Corporate Finance
    • ESG and Firm Performance
    • ​ESG and Firm Finance
    • ​Financial Reporting
    • ​Non-financial Reporting
    • Banking Risk and Regulations
    • Narrative Disclosures
    • ​Financial Innovations
    • Business Sustainability
    • Monetary Policy and Productivity
  • What is the difference between a full PhD and a PhD by Published works?

    A PhD involves conducting original research and writing a thesis, while a PhD by Published Works is awarded based on a collection of previously published papers demonstrating significant contributions to the field. Additional information about choosing your type of research degree can be found on our How to apply for Research degree study page.

Fees and Funding

2025/26 Tuition Fees

Fees quoted relate to study in the Academic Year 25/26 only and may be subject to inflationary increases in future years.

Doctor Of Philosophy Degrees

  • UK – Full Time: £5,700
  • UK – Part Time: £2,845
  • International – Full Time: £16,350
  • International – Part Time: £7,640

Doctor of Philosophy Degrees by means of Published Works

Including: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by means of published works.

  • UK – Part Time: £3,600
  • International – Part Time: £7,840
  • Please visit the funding pages and our scholarship pages for more details on how to fund your study.

  • Fees quoted relate to study in the Academic Year 2024/25 only and may be subject to inflationary increases in future years.

    Doctor Of Philosophy Degrees

    Including: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) practice based in the Arts, Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

    • UK – Full Time: £5,500
    • UK – Part Time: £2,775
    • International – Full Time: £15,950
    • International – Part Time: £7,450

    Doctor of Philosophy Degrees by Means of Published Works

    • UK – Part Time: £3,500
    • International – Part Time: £7,650


Ade Ige-Olaobaju, Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Mgmt

Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Mgmt
Faculty of Business and Law

Ade Ige-Olaobaju
Siham Elgergeni, Senior Lecturer in Financial Management

Senior Lecturer in Financial Management
Faculty of Business and Law

Siham Elgergeni

Careers and Employability

This qualification’s major goal is to prepare you for a career in research. After completing their PhD, UON Research students will follow a variety of job routes. Many will take on academic positions or complete postdoctoral research of some kind. Some may enter government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and private corporations. The University of Northampton provides a Careers and Employability Service who are committed to providing students with the skills they need to prosper, adapt, and innovate in today’s fast-paced world. ​​


​​Our PhD students have access to exceptional research facilities such as:

  • Well-equipped library with access to academic e-books, journal articles and learning resources for on-site and off-site study
  • Opportunities for research collaboration with staff and students
  • ​Teaching and Research Assistant opportunities should you meet the requirements
  • Dedicated PhD study area with computer and printer in the Learning Hub
  • ​Spacious individual and group working space and discussion areas
  • ​​Library and Learning support for PhD students
  • Skills support for PhD students
  • ​Excellent social groups for student meetings and engagement ​

Is this course for you?
