Alison is Faculty Lead for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) and leads on its ‘collaborative curriculum’ for 16 undergraduate health, education and social care programmes. She also advises on and supports the IPE element of Curriculum 24 for midwifery, podiatry, occupational therapy and paramedic science programmes. Within the midwifery curriculum Alison is Module Leader for a level 4 module which aims to to develop the student’s personal, professional and academic skills, including digital and technological literacy. Students also explore appropriate sources of information that underpin the midwife’s role in relation to public health agendas for women, newborns and the wider family. Alison is an Academic Assessor for midwifery students with clinical placements at Northampton General Hospital. Alison was awarded the University of Northampton People Award for Excellence in Pedagogic Innovation 2024.