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Staff Profile

  • Dr Helen Caldwell is an Associate Professor at the University of Northampton (UON), where she specialises in educational technology, teacher education and online learning. Her role at UON involves leading postgraduate teacher education courses, including the Online MA Education, the PGCE Top Up and the PG Cert in Digital Leadership. Helen has considerable experience of international project work and has been the research lead on nine funded projects, the most recent of which are two 3-year Erasmus+ projects on the theme of Digital Learning across Boundaries. Helen’s research interests include technology-enabled social online learning in teacher education and social innovation education, and the use of immersive technologies for teaching and learning.

    Helen has over 15 years teaching experience and held an ICT Co-ordinator role for nine years, working across a group of local schools to develop their capability with ICT. She was an assistive technology advisor for Milton Keynes Council and a regional and web portal manager for the Open University Vital CPD programme. Prior to this she spent two years at Brigham Young University, Utah, undertaking an MA in Education and working as a research assistant.

    Helen was an invited member of the Primary National Curriculum for Computing in ITT Expert Group supporting tutors and trainees in ITT in preparing for the new curriculum. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and an Apple Distinguished Educator.

    In 2021 Helen led an application for a Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

    from Advance HE for the work of a team of colleagues who have worked together for several years on the theme of Technology for Active Distance Learning (Tech4ADL). This award recognises collaborative work that has had a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning, and the team has been chosen to be nominated by the University. Helen has also been recently involved in founding and leading a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Digital Technologies in Education for the Centre for Education and Research at UON.

    Helen co-leads the Centre for Active Digital Education (CADE).

    Professional roles and membership

    • Committee member for the Information Technology in Teacher Education Association (ITTE)
    • Committee member for the Information Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA)
    • Reviewer for the TPEA journal
    • MirandaNet Senior Research Fellow
    • ITTE Research Fellow
    • External examiner at the University of Chichester
    • Member of UON STEM steering group and STEAM steering group (previous)
    • Computing At School (CAS): Network of Excellence in Computer Science Partner representing the University of Northampton and running CPD in partnership with the OU (previous)
    • Barefoot Computing: Regional Partner representing the University of Northampton (previous)
    • Member of the Publications and Promotions Committee for the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) (previous)

    X: @helencaldwel