
Updated 28.06.2024

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Continuing a culture of kindness. One student’s journey to help in Ukraine

Helping others in need is all in a day’s work – and her DNA –…

13 May 2022

Voting opens for the Changemaker Awards 2021

The chance to recognise University of Northampton-backed initiatives that have helped people or the environment…

1 December 2020

Giving more people confidence about mental health matters

Despite the pandemic, the University’s mental health first aid team (MHFA) have been busy continuing…

14 September 2020

New UON and St Andrew’s scheme supports students to make a difference in 100 hours

Students from the University of Northampton have signed up and begun volunteering to support patients,…

5 March 2020

County people experiencing frailty set to benefit from academic’s insight

Giving people who are experiencing frailty better health and social care is the driving ambition…

14 November 2019

Thinking outside the box has given local people suffering from mental health conditions a boost

When it comes to mental health support, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach…

26 June 2019

University internship leads to more dementia friendly screenings at the Filmhouse

A personal drive to inform people about dementia led a local woman to become the…

20 June 2019

BLOG: Lifting the lid on the mental health of researchers.

The first International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers took place…

21 May 2019

Students and staff prepare to take skills and knowledge to Africa to help refugees

Students look set to broaden their horizons after their lecturers met with leading health and…

16 May 2019

Graduate uses her brain to deliver mental health gift boxes

A graduate has combined her knowledge of human personality and behaviour with the University’s Changemaker…

10 October 2018

Occupational Therapy graduate’s choir stands together for NHS song

A choir created by a University graduate to help people with breathing difficulties have seen…

20 September 2018

Third annual Memory Day is set to build on previous events

Northampton’s third ‘Memory Day’, where members of the public can receive information and advice about…

14 September 2018

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