
Updated 28.06.2024

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Literary day is a topical ‘Choice’ for Lecturer’s poetry project

A literary awareness day comes at a timely moment for one University lecturer, who has…

7 October 2021

Nurse Cadets scheme starts at UON

Boosting the number of healthcare professionals moves up a level thanks to a new, ‘work…

30 April 2021

Keep brushing through lockdown to keep smiling for life

It’s the month for health awareness campaigns. As well as Mental Health Awareness Week celebrating…

20 May 2020

Smiles all around as lecturer delivers mouth care that matters

Northamptonshire is smiling thanks to a University lecturer and county partners who are on a…

18 December 2019

Northampton’s newest nursing students kitted out for life

The newest nursing students in Northampton have been given an extra special welcome by their…

26 September 2019

Getting to know you: new students start learning with peers across subject areas

New students from podiatry to policing start their degrees this year with the spirit of…

25 September 2019

Staff and students asked to cook up a storm and support nurses

Staff and students are being asked to 'raise their whisks' for a good cause and…

3 May 2019

Fantastic flossers needed for oral health flashmob

‘Flossing’ experts can show off their terpsichorean talents by taking part in a flashmob dance…

15 November 2018

Nursing team Snowdon Trekkers battled Storm Callum for charity

Walking to the peak of Mount Snowdon, an idea originally formed in the warmth of…

18 October 2018

Rushden children get their teeth into good oral health after lecturers’ visit

Children at Rushden Primary Academy brushed up on what happens during a visit to the…

10 October 2018

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