
Updated 28.06.2024

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Students pitch innovative ideas in business challenge competition

Students pitched innovative ideas to support Northamptonshire fruit-produce business, Blue Skies, to enhance their sustainable…

23 November 2021

Climate change and commerce collide in upcoming business competition

Students from the University of Northampton will present their bright ideas to create more sustainable…

10 September 2021

Khalid believes the Northampton DBA is the tool for post-pandemic recovery

The relentless challenges of the pandemic era have created seismic shifts in the business and…

9 September 2021

Dr Mansour appointed to the Council for Graduate Education

Dr Hala Mansour, Associate Professor in Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour has been appointed…

2 August 2021

Global security conference features six UON doctoral students

Six doctoral students from the University of Northampton have been part of the prestigious International…

24 January 2021

Doctoral students see their work published

Two students from the University of Northampton Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme have recently…

9 December 2020

FridgeStreet founder named in Santander Universities Emerging Entrepreneurs 2020

Kardi Somerfield, the founder of FridgeStreet, Doctoral student and Senior Lecturer in Advertising and Digital…

30 September 2020

Trust is the key for doctoral student Jon

University of Northampton, doctoral student, Jon Maumy, credits his studies with helping him launch a…

28 August 2020

Research Support at Northampton is number one according to our students

The University of Northampton’s Postgraduate Research Community has celebrated their research experience and support in…

14 July 2020

University of Northampton Student named in Global ‘Top 100 Leaders in Education’

Sami Mohammed Handley, a postgraduate Research Student from the University of Northampton, has been named…

7 January 2020

UON doctoral student appointed as Minister of Transport in Jordan

University of Northampton doctoral student, Khalid Saif, has been appointed as the Jordanian Minister of…

16 December 2019

University’s first DBA Graduates ready to make a big difference

After becoming the first recipients in the University’s history, our new DBA graduates are ready…

14 February 2019

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