
Updated 28.06.2024

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Northampton technology conference biggest so far

The sixth annual conference showcasing the innovation within local businesses, West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) and…

17 June 2024

Elevator company gets a ‘lift up’ with expert knowledge exchange partnership

Local businesses that need to get to the next level can access expert led bespoke…

27 March 2023

Engineering team celebrate their thirteenth annual conference

The Engineering team at the University of Northampton had a big ‘lift’ to a busy…

30 September 2022

A lift for the elevator and escalator industry with annual symposium

Elevator and escalator engineers can get an ‘express lift’ to the latest research from around…

13 June 2022

Computing careers event pays off for student Joe

An event designed to give computing students an early advantage in their job search paid…

13 December 2021

Brake failures to be examined at Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies

A popular view on lift brake maintenance could have fatal consequences, according to an expert…

14 September 2021

Graduate’s new job is ‘out of this world’

A graduate’s career has gone ‘out of this world’ thanks to his time studying Engineering…

11 August 2021

Save the dates for lift and escalator technology event

The twelfth annual University of Northampton-supported Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies will be online…

10 May 2021

In the news: 15-21 January 2021

A round up of mentions of our staff, students and University in the media over…

21 January 2021

School students look at STEAM careers for women

More than 1,100 budding female scientists, tech experts and engineers of the future gathered online…

10 November 2020

Vicente and Paul receive a lift after sharing industry award

Innovative Ideas to improve the energy efficiency and safety of lifts have led to two…

12 October 2020

Government levy means University of Northampton engineering apprenticeship costs employers nothing

Engineering firms can futureproof the business, upskill the workforce and save money – all thanks…

8 September 2020

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