
Updated 28.06.2024

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Summit defines next steps to a net-zero Northamptonshire

Action plans detailing the steps Northamptonshire will take over the next year to achieve net-zero…

24 May 2024

UON launches collaborative Northampton Sustainability Accord following inaugural Sustainability Summit

After the first ever University of Northampton Sustainability Summit held last week, a practical roadmap…

26 May 2023

UON Sustainability Summit 2023: University of Northampton lays foundations for addressing local sustainability challenges

The University of Northampton will be hosting a meeting of minds between leading local professionals…

21 March 2023

Honey, it’s a Cold World: Student’s sustainable charity catwalk hits the runway at UON

‘Sustainable fashion’ was the name of the game for Fashion Marketing and Promotion students last…

19 December 2022

Students jet off for real-world industry networking in New York City

In the city that never sleeps, one group of University of Northampton Marketing students have…

6 October 2022

University of Northampton takes latest step towards net zero carbon footprint

Today the University of Northampton has become the 95th UK university to announce its divestment…

27 July 2022

Hot-footing his way to career success: one podiatrist’s journey

Branching out into surgery, leading the national student arm of a professional body and setting…

27 September 2019

University hits a six with cricketing partnership

University of Northampton’s global reach and relationships will be highlighted closer to home this week…

24 July 2019

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