
Updated 28.06.2024

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Opinion: Is the term woke ‘dead’?

We are in constant reminder that we live in a world where ‘wokeness’ (being ‘awake’…

6 October 2023

Graduate champions change for all with equality role at national charity

A graduate's passion for equality has found the perfect outlet with a new, national equalities…

30 May 2023

Lecturers talk Covid research at major sociology conference

Sociologists from across the globe got double the value from the University of Northampton (UON)…

6 September 2021

In the news: 16-22 July 2021

This week marked the so-called Freedom Day, when all legal Covid restrictions were lifted. Our…

22 July 2021

Recover better: UN Human Rights Day

Today (10 December) is the United Nations' Human Rights Day and this year the theme…

10 December 2020

In the news: 10-16 July 2020

A round-up of mentions of our students and staff in the media during the past…

16 July 2020

Sociology lecturer is on a ‘roll’ with new Master’s degree

As applications for a new postgraduate degree open, a lecturer in a Faculty of Health and…

18 June 2019

Blog: Should ‘EU’ still listen?

Recently, Sociology students from the University of Northampton spent two weeks touring five European countries…

9 April 2019

Sociology students cross the Channel for ‘Brexit field trip’

Sociology students from the University of Northampton spent two weeks touring five countries for an…

4 April 2019

New research launched to help schools better integrate migrant children

Migrant children receive varying, or no, levels of support from schools to integrate and new,…

29 January 2019

Blog: The ‘insignificance’ of Brexit

Dr Federico Farini, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, has been observing the many comings and goings …

21 January 2019

Beth overcomes A-levels setback to secure her future via Clearing

When Beth Maycock began to suffer from anxiety while studying her A-levels, her grades suffered.…

16 August 2018

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