
Updated 28.06.2024

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Student hack Jade has ringside seat for appearances from a Libertine and a Radio 1 DJ

A Radio 1 DJ and a member of one of the UK’s best-loved bands visited…

19 February 2018

Sky Sports star, Manchester United TV and a host of women at the top of their game – sports media conference attracts the best in the business

A Sky Sports star, a BBC football commentator, Wales’ top goal scorer and pioneering sports…

15 February 2018

Journalism students meet inspiring industry insiders

A rising TV presenting star joined a professional YouTuber, a newspaper editor and a film-maker…

13 February 2018

Blind backpacker Tony tells tales of adventures abroad

A University of Northampton graduate who has travelled the world came back to campus to…

6 February 2018

Monkey selfie photographer to provide students with cautionary tale of copyright

The photographer embroiled in a copyright battle over a monkey selfie will be talking about…

5 February 2018

Gary to lift the lid on life with The Libertines, The Specials and New York Dolls

The inside story of the rise, fall and rise again of one of the UK’s…

2 February 2018

First female voice of Match of the Day to give budding sports journalists tips on getting to the top

Trailblazing sports journalist Jaqui Oatley will be the first in a series of high-profile female…

30 January 2018

Calling potential Popular Music students – Sid from Slipknot is taking your questions

The turntablist from Grammy award-winning band Slipknot will be appearing at the University of Northampton…

24 January 2018

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