Dr Lorna Jowett to join expert panel to celebrate TV’s groundbreaking sci-fi characters

Date 16.11.2015

The University of Northampton’s Dr Lorna Jowett, Reader in Television Studies within the School of The Arts, will be joining an expert panel at the British Film Institute next month for an event entitled Gays of Fear and Wonder: Queer Sci-Fi TV.

Dr Jowett will take part in the panel discussion to celebrate TV’s groundbreaking LGBT characters, queer icons and slash fiction. The panel will consider whether aliens have gender, before sharing and discussing clips of sci-fi’s favourite television shows. Dr Jowett will be joined on the panel by the University of Roehampton’s Stacey Abbott, from the University of Roehampton. The pair are no strangers to working together, having co-written 2013’s TV Horror: Investigating the Darker Side of the Small Screen and co-organising the TV Fangdom series of conferences. Other panellists will be confirmed shortly.

The event will take place at BFI Southbank on 25 November at 18:30pm. For more information regarding Gays of Fear and Wonder: Queer Sci-Fi TV, visit the BFI website.