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Issues affecting human services go under the research spotlight

Date 7.09.2016

The University of Northampton is hosting a research conference which will examine problems facing human services.

Dilemmas for Human Services, which takes place on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 September, will shine a light on issues affecting public, private and voluntary sector organisations and government organisation.

Issues to be covered at the conference, which is aimed at researchers, will include gender, leadership and culture, plus change in Higher Education and the National Health Service.

Keynote speakers include Prof Cliff Oswick from Cass Business School, Prof Emma Bell from Keele University and Staffordshire University’s Prof Rune Todnem.

Conference co-ordinator, Dr Hala Mansour, said: “We have some incredible keynotes, chosen for their significant contributions to scholarship around Change and Leadership, and each has shaped their field in innovative ways.

“Prof Bell’s talk will be of particular interest to delegates from the local area, as she will be focusing on a case study of a Northampton shoe making company that has been in business for over a century.”

Dilemmas for Human Services takes place in the University’s Faculty of Business and Law, Cottesbrooke Building, Park Campus, Boughton Green Road, NN2 7AL.

For more information and to register your attendance, visit the event page.