Lockdown doesn’t stop Acting students’ schools Shakespeare tour
Date 26.04.2021
The cancellation of their touring Shakespeare shows didn’t stop students from the University of Northampton enjoying the buzz of performing live.
The lockdown meant final year students on the Acting course had to cancel their physical annual tour of local schools and colleges and go online instead.
They performed A Midsummer Night’s Dream live, via the web, twice a day for three days for a combined audience of 180 pupils from schools and colleges in the region. Watch A Midsummer Night’s Dream on YouTube.
They also pre-recorded Twelfth Night and Romeo & Juliet, which were then streamed to local schools and colleges. All the students also took part in a live question and answer session following the performances.
Not only did the students perform in the plays, they also filmed and edited each one themselves, following initial guidance from guest director, Aileen Gonsalves.
Performing arts tutor at North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College, Gary Lincoln, said: “We wanted to pass our congratulations and thanks to both staff and brilliant third year actors for their performances.
“The students showcased the University, their course and their talent during such a difficult time and this needs to be recognised. Our students were truly inspired.”
Watch a video of Acting students visiting Tresham College, in Kettering, in 2019.