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Maintaining inclusivity and dignity during the Cost-of-Living crisis

Date 11.05.2023

As part of the University’s efforts to help with the impact of the cost-of-living, free sanitary products are now available on campus for students, staff and visitors.

The products will be available in each of the ‘Accessible and Everyone’ toilets on campus as part of our efforts to tackle period poverty and remove the barriers period poverty may present to our students and their learning.

The products are stored in clear plastic boxes and contain a selection of towels and tampons and are available for all (see image). Products will also be available in the Development Hub, and the Innovation Centre, again for all, and other locations will follow.

Cost of Living Project Manager Emma Stone said “Period Poverty is an issue affecting many people in the UK at all stages in life. I am really proud that the UON Cost of Living Task Force has placed this initiative as a priority enabling us to help as many staff, students and visitors as possible with free and easily accessible sanitary products.”

These free products align with the University’s approach to its buildings and facilities being ‘inclusive and accessible for all’.

The University has 39 gender-neutral toilets across most of its Waterside buildings and the Development Hub.

A new addition is the six, ‘stoma-friendly’ facilities across most of the UON estate, providing a comfortable, spacious, private location for people who may need to change a stoma bag (such as hooks on the doors to hang clothing, handbags or luggage), as approved by Colostomy UK.

There are also baby changing facilities available on the ground floors of the Creative Hub, Learning Hub and Senate buildings at Waterside. The Learning Hub also has a ‘Mother and Baby’ room for nursing mothers.

The University is also compliant with criteria set by AccessAble which provides online guides about how easy it is for people who have a disability or impairment to navigate public buildings and spaces.

Sanitary products.