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More support for new and established businesses

Date 1.02.2022

New and established businesses across West Northamptonshire can benefit from the advice of dedicated experts with two University-delivered support programmes.

Start-ups in the area access a tailor-made package that includes 121 support, workshops, and webinars designed around individual needs, plus signposting to local partners. They can also apply for a grant of up to £3,000 from West Northamptonshire Council, and the South East Midlands Start-up Programme projects.

West Northamptonshire Businesses older than 3 years and who meet eligibility criteria* can also apply for support, through the Business Resilience and Innovation Grant Scheme.

They will receive an in-depth assessment of the business, the challenges presented as a result of Covid-19, and their growth aspirations. Support will also be provided to develop a bespoke growth plan.

The grants are funded through the UK Government Additional Restrictions Grant which has been distributed to councils to support local businesses as they recover from the impact of the pandemic.

Applications for both schemes run until 30 March 2022.

Julie Tebbutt, Head of Support to Business at the University, said: “The new year means a new start for some businesses and a chance for more established organisations to take stock of where they are and where they want to be.

“Businesses have taken a knock during the pandemic but, with light now more clearly at the end of the tunnel, we’re are looking forward to extending guiding hands to those who need it.”

*Criteria include: Offer applies to businesses in West Northamptonshire only that are older than 3 years, have between 5-250 employees, with a minimum turnover of £200,000, and can demonstrate growth pre-Covid and identify the impact that Covid has had on the growth potential of the business.

To register interest for either initiative, please email the team or call: ARGWest@northampton.ac.uk 01604 892328.