
Updated 28.06.2024

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Work experience reporter makes history at FA Cup draw

A University of Northampton student followed in the footsteps of footballing icons such as Pele,…

4 October 2018

Journalism students to benefit as University of Northampton strengthens European ties

Journalism students will have the opportunity to work on international projects with their European peers…

7 September 2018

Dogs with jobs – Laura puts the spotlight on working canines

The positive impact working dogs have on people’s lives has been documented by a photography…

30 August 2018

Have camera, will travel 8,000 miles to document South Atlantic spectacular

A graduate from the University of Northampton will travel to the end of the Earth…

24 August 2018

Dan jets back from covering England’s World Cup heroics to receive University of Northampton honorary degree

BBC sports editor, Dan Roan, has jetted back from the World Cup in Russia to…

25 July 2018

Media student mixing it with Hollywood’s future stars

Unpaid jobs couldn’t get much better for Josephine Boye, as she gets the chance to…

9 July 2018

Sam shines the spotlight on Northamptonshire’s unsung heroes

The lives of Northamptonshire’s unsung heroes have been celebrated by an up-and-coming photographer. An estate…

5 July 2018

How Russia switched to soft power tactics to charm during this World Cup

Marc Webber, our Senior Lecturer in Journalism & Media and regular matchday reporter for BBC’s…

2 July 2018

Microsoft job a dream come true for tech addict student

A University of Northampton student is hoping to excel during his 365 days at tech…

25 June 2018

View work of future creative stars at Avenue Campus’s final Degree Show

There’s still time to check out work from the creative stars of the future at…

11 June 2018

Nicholas makes a little piece of history – by building classic camera

A University of Northampton student has shunned the digital revolution and built his own piece…

6 June 2018

Careers day for school students is far from being a ‘car crash’

University of Northampton became a scene of action and discovery today when part of Park…

6 June 2018

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