
Updated 28.06.2024

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Authors encourage pupils to get creative developing characters

Year six pupils from Milton Keynes School, Oxley Park Academy spent the afternoon on campus…

17 May 2017

Ellie graduates from a BA, then takes up an MA at the University of Northampton

Ellie Castell enjoyed the University of Northampton experience so much, she decided to continue studying…

20 March 2017

Where are they now? English and Creative Writing Graduates return to campus to share their industry top tips

A panel of six successful graduates from the University of Northampton’s English and Creative Writing…

25 January 2017

Preparing students for the world of work

Casting directors, actors, designers, fashionistas and media professionals will all be sharing career advice at this…

19 January 2017

London Fog celebrated at John Clare Memorial Lecture

The swirling, thick ‘pea soup’ fog which often evokes a sense of foreboding was the…

6 January 2017

Fantastic worlds collide at the University of Northampton

On 2 December 2016, The University of Northampton will be hosting the sixth Annual Fantasy…

1 December 2016

Student Changemaker: Miguel reports from volunteering trip to Ghana

Remember our students who signed up for the Balloon Ventures volunteering programme?  The seven students…

4 August 2016

Students have their written work published – and will hand it over to the stars at leading literary festival

Leading figures from the stage, screen, publishing and literature will be presented with the latest…

28 June 2016

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