
Updated 28.06.2024

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Relationships teaching for children gets top mark thanks to Psychology academic

Helping children remain ‘fast friends’ and navigate the complex world of relationships is one step…

1 March 2023

International recognition for Professor ‘paying it forward’ for parapsychology

Creating a first-class support culture to advance our understanding of human experiences that lie outside…

22 December 2022

Research team explore floatation and relaxation for ESP project

Understanding the process of extrasensory perception (ESP) is the mission statement for one University of…

8 November 2022

Food for the soul: Ditch the drink for ‘Conscious Clubbing’

A night on the tiles can be more enjoyable if clubbers ‘ditch the drink’ for…

31 October 2022

In the news: 21-27 October 2022

A round up of mentions of our students, staff and the University in the media…

27 October 2022

Psychology researcher seeks to answer: What makes a serial killer turn to cannibalism?

In a society seemingly fuelled by an obsession with serial killer documentaries, one academic researcher…

27 September 2022

In the news: 17-23 June 2022

A round up of mentions of our students, staff, and the University in the media…

23 June 2022

‘Headfest’ event will bring mental health support under one roof

Teams from across the University of Northampton (UON) will lend their help and advice to…

27 April 2022

In review: Thoughts about women’s tattoos in film

Senior Lecturer in Psychology Dr Charlotte Dann is an expert about how women – and…

29 November 2021

Sporting students put Steelbacks to the test

Students from the University of Northampton put first class county cricketers through their paces in…

19 November 2021

Budding PE teachers given a career leg up by Cobblers and Uni partnership project

Sporting students considering becoming PE teachers have been given a taste of running primary school…

18 November 2021

UON welcomes new Associate Professors

The University of Northampton welcomes eight new additions to its roll-call of Associate Professors, who…

11 October 2021

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