
Updated 28.06.2024

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Blog: Taking that first step toward sorting your mental health. A personal story

This week is the Mental Health Foundation’s annual Mental Health Awareness Week and all around…

17 May 2019

Blog: Representing the Ripper: some lessons from Whitechapel and West Yorkshire

Dr Drew Gray, Subject Leader for History at the University of Northampton compares documentaries into…

4 April 2019

Blog: What’s in store for #EducatingNorthants

This weekend, over 500 educators from Northamptonshire will gather together at the #EducatingNorthants Conference, celebrating…

25 March 2019

BLOG: Remembering Northampton’s most celebrated female politician

Friday 8 March is International Women’s Day and it is therefore a fitting occasion to…

8 March 2019

[Blog] Post-Brexit Animal Welfare: Do animals have feelings?

Simon Sneddon, our Senior Lecturer in Law reflects on how Brexit may impact animal welfare…

27 February 2019

[Blog] Sun, Sand, Sea and Serious Consequences. The story of Fyre Festival.

As an event graduate and professional, Lucy Wright, our Senior Graduate Tutor in Events Management, winced…

24 January 2019

Blog: Perspectives of Holocaust Memorial Day

Dr Paul Jackson, Senior Lecturer in History and expert in far-right extremism at the University…

22 January 2019

[Blog] Has Brexit changed the Czech Republic’s perception of the EU?

Third year International Relations and Politics student, Karel Visinger, gives us an insight into the…

20 December 2018

Blog – Why an internship after my first year was the best decision I’ve made

Second year BSc Marketing Management student, Jessica Compton, started a summer internship this year at marketing…

23 November 2018

3 advertising own goals at World Cup 2018

Second year Advertising & Digital Marketing student, Emily Pearson, gives her run down of the…

29 June 2018

BLOG: To mark World Refugee Day, Dr. Cristina Devecchi blogs about the importance of education for refugee children

Today (20 June) is World Refugee Day. Among the many pressing issues, the education of…

20 June 2018

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