
Updated 28.06.2024

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University of Northampton grads and student set to storm the stage at Reading and Leeds Festivals

Four University of Northampton graduates and a current student will be following in the footsteps…

18 August 2017

University adds to Northampton’s skyline with new Waterside energy centre

Northampton has had a recent addition to its skyline in the shape of a 26-metre…

1 August 2017

University sponsors town’s first-ever Mela

The University of Northampton is sponsoring Northampton's first-ever Mela. The free community festival takes place…

27 July 2017

New University of Northampton course focuses on international special events management

Professionals who want to gain a competitive edge in the special events industry can sign…

4 July 2017

We’re supporting Shakespeare’s Scottish Play project

The University of Northampton is backing a project which will see disadvantaged children help to…

3 July 2017

VIDEO: Watch our students bring the opera house down

Theatre-goers gave University of Northampton students a standing ovation after they performed an opera for…

16 June 2017

Students and staff star in cultural snapshot of Northampton

A cinematic snapshot of Northampton’s creative scene features students and staff from the University of…

5 June 2017

Cameras take a peek behind the scenes of our opera

Film cameras have been following a group of talented University of Northampton students as they…

25 May 2017

Our beer man says Northants is in the middle of a brewing boom

The University of Northampton’s drinks industry expert has had the tough job of investigating Northamptonshire’s…

23 May 2017

Student’s art and music event to raise awareness of refugees, homelessness and deprivation

A student from the University of Northampton is using art and music to raise awareness…

25 April 2017

Northampton’s newest radio station makes crucial appointment to give communities a voice

Voluntary and community organisations in Northampton have a fantastic opportunity to shout about their work…

12 April 2017

University calls on budding young artists to brighten up the current Waterside construction site

The University of Northampton is calling on budding young artists across the county to help…

10 April 2017

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